
This section gives you hints how you get the games to work which are available from AMI Sector One: Simply compare below settings with the configuration names which are provided on every single game page:

Fellow (v0.34):
FellowECS: 2048 kb chip memory; 1 MB fast memory; 512 kb slow memory; Kickstart 1.3; 68000 CPU. Leave other settings as standard.
Download Configuration file (Place it in the main directory of Fellow 0.34.)

FellowECS-31: 2048 kb chip memory; 1 MB fast memory; 512 kb slow memory; Kickstart 3.1; M68EC20 CPU. Leave other settings as standard.
Download Configuration file (Place it in the main directory of Fellow 0.34.)

FellowECS-HD: Same as FellowECS-31 but in the menu "Filesystems" you must set up an emulated harddisk.

WinUAE (r0.8.8):
WinECS: 2 MB chip memory; 1 MB fast memory; 512 kb slow memory; Kickstart 1.3; 68000 CPU; Display: Chipset OCS; 100 % accurate sound emulation. Leave other settings as standard.
Download Configuration file (Place it in the "Configurations folder" of WinUAE 0.8.8.)

WinECS-31: 2 MB chip memory; 1 MB fast memory; 512 kb slow memory; Kickstart 3.1; 68020 CPU; Display: Chipset OCS; 100 % accurate sound emulation. Leave other settings as standard.
Download Configuration file (Place it in the "Configurations folder" of WinUAE 0.8.8.)

WinAGA: 2 MB chip memory; 4 MB fast memory; 512 kb slow memory; Kickstart 3.1; 68020 CPU;Display: Chipset AGA; 100 % accurate sound emulation. Leave other settings as standard.
Download Configuration file (Place it in the "Configurations folder" of WinUAE 0.8.8.)

WinECS-HD, WinAGA-HD: Same as WinECS-31 and WinAGA, but in the menu "Hard drives" you must set up an emulated harddisk.

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All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Mentioning theses trademarks is no violation of applicable law. Please feel free to send us your comments and thoughts.

Downloads à la Carte

Download the games that we recommend this month:

Case of the Cautious Condor
Dungeon Quest
Quiksilver Pinball
Fire & Ice
Jetstrike Jr.
Der Trainer

Other downloads of interest:
LSD Docs Disks
Grapevine Diskmags



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1. Amiga Games vs. Amiga Joker
2. Microdeal - A resume
3. CD Review - "Immortal"