Eyes of the Eagle (CDTV) - A Chaos in Andromeda Mission

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(Redirected from Eyes of the Eagle CDTV)
Eyes of the Eagle (CDTV)
A Chaos in Andromeda Mission
Eyes of the Eagle (CDTV) box scan

Scan is part of ExoticA's Games Gallery. Click thumbnail for full image.
Composer(s) Halfdan Larsen
Team(s) On-Line
Publisher(s) On-Line
Music Format(s) Ogg Vorbis
Year published 1992

UnExoticA Music Files


Download archive Game/Larsen_Halfdan/Eyes_o_t_Eagle_CDTV_CDDA.lha

Filename File Size Composer Game Year Team / Publisher
File List Indent v2.png 02_Maybe.ogg 4222795 Halfdan Larsen Eyes of the Eagle CDTV 1992 On-Line
File List Indent v2.png 03_About_Time.ogg 5568145 Halfdan Larsen Eyes of the Eagle CDTV 1992 On-Line
File List Indent v2.png 04_Still_Burning.ogg 3881041 Halfdan Larsen Eyes of the Eagle CDTV 1992 On-Line
File List Indent v2.png 05_Koranis_Anthem.ogg 4288530 Halfdan Larsen Eyes of the Eagle CDTV 1992 On-Line
File List Indent v2.png 06_Never.ogg 4448052 Halfdan Larsen Eyes of the Eagle CDTV 1992 On-Line
File List Indent v2.png 07_Waiting.ogg 2893699 Halfdan Larsen Eyes of the Eagle CDTV 1992 On-Line
File List Indent v2.png 08_Woodoo.ogg 6627293 Halfdan Larsen Eyes of the Eagle CDTV 1992 On-Line
File List End v2.png 09_Rain.ogg 5045799 Halfdan Larsen Eyes of the Eagle CDTV 1992 On-Line
Monday 10 October 2005 (XtC): Added to collection

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