Singular Crew

From ExoticA
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Singular Crew (SGR,

HUN> Leon (gfx, 06/99-03/03).
???> Cargo (muisc, 06/99-03/03), Da Blondie (hun? music, also in Wish,
     later in Resource, 08/97), Perplex (music, 06/99), Poison (hun? gfx,
     aka PSN, 08/97-03/03), Soci (hun? music, 08/97-03/03), TGM (hun? gfx,
     08/97), Tomace (hun? music, 08/97), Vincenzo (music, 03/03).

Singular Crew is a hungarian demo group.
  1997 - Poison won the AntiQ 97 graphics competition!
  2003 - Vincenzo joined from Molecoola [no entry] early this year.