AMFM Diskmag 8
From ExoticA
AM/FM Magazine Disk #8
- Tech Corner by Teijo Kinnunen: The Amiga Audio Hardware
- Beginners' Guide to MIDI [Part 2]: "The Benefits of MIDI"
- Complete Tangerine Dream discography
- Various new products described
- Exit Amiga, Enter Falcon?
- The new "Sonic Arranger"
- Playsid 2.0 review
- New music mag: "Future Music"
- The [secret] new Amiga Operating System!
- MIDITools:
- Echo Processor
- MIDI Keyboard
- MIDI In To Out
- ProgChange
- SysEx
- Subzero Music Ripper
- Promizer v0.1a
- Hunter III
- PrintDump, Yamaha DX-synths
- MIDI Stuffer
MIDI Music
- "The Last Time" by Craft MIDI Compositions
- "Arthur's Theme" by Christopher Cross
- Theme from "Miami Vice"
- "Take Me To The River" (Craft MIDI Compositions)
- "Arise"
Amiga-only Music
- "There's Somebody On My Feet" - by André Meyer
- "Rendezvous" - by Edvin Fladen
- "Obsticularius" - by Paal Granum
- "Audible Power" - by Sami Jumppanen
Extra Goodies on the disk
- Build your own MIDI interface for the Amiga 2000.
- amfm08.dms - AM/FM Issue 8 (DiskMasher format) - 672KB