AMOS extensions/AMOS-LIST
This is a collection of every answer to AMOS-LIST FAQ question 5, "What extension slots are being used?".
The mailing list used to be hosted by OneList and archived to Aminet monthly. It is now hosted by Yahoo! Groups
Despite the FAQ being published every month, this FAQ answer only changed four times in the history of the mailing list. What follows is every version of the FAQ answer:
AMOS-LIST FAQ Q5 September 1994
AMOS AMOS Pro 1+ Music or EME v4.64 Music or EME v4.64 2 Compact v1.2 Picture Compactor v2.00 3 Request v1.41 Requester v2.00 4 3D v1.00 3D v1.02AP 5 Compiler v1.36 Pro Compiler v2.00 6 Serial v1.2 IO Devices v2.00 7 TOME v4.24 8 CText v2.5 9 Range (AMOS Club Ext.) v2.8 10 Dump Lib 10 LDos v2.5 LDos v2.5 11 LSer v2.1 LSer v2.1 12 TURBO PLUS v1.0 TURBO PLUS v1.0 14-* Intuition v1.0 Intuition v1.0 15 DSAM v???? DSAM v???? 16* EasyLife v1.4b EasyLife v1.4b 18 CRAFT v1.00 CRAFT v1.00 19 MusiCRAFT v1.00 MusiCRAFT v1.00 20-* AMOS OS Interface v3.4 AMOS OS Interface v3.4 21* PRT_Extension v1.1 PRT_Extension v1.1 22* JD_Extension v4.6 JD_Extension v4.6 (+ = EME is Enhanced Music Extension and is a replacement of the Music.Lib) (- = These are 2 Intuition extensions. Extension #14 is by Andrew Church and is excellently easy!) (* = Not official as far as I know, so the numbers may change)
AMOS-LIST FAQ Q5 February 1995
AMOS AMOS Pro 1+ Music or EME v4.64 Music or EME v4.64 2 Compact v1.2 Picture Compactor v2.00 3 Request v1.41 Requester v2.00 4 3D v1.00 3D v1.02AP 5 Compiler v1.36 Pro Compiler v2.00 6 Serial v1.2 IO Devices v2.00 7 TOME v4.24 8 CText v2.5 9 Range (AMOS Club Ext.) v2.8 10 Dump Lib 10 LDos v2.5 LDos v2.5 11 LSer v2.1 LSer v2.1 12 TURBO PLUS v1.0 TURBO PLUS v1.0 ^14- Intuition v1.3 Intuition v1.3 15 DSAM v???? DSAM v???? 16* EasyLife v1.4b EasyLife v1.4b 18 CRAFT v1.00 CRAFT v1.00 19 MusiCRAFT v1.00 MusiCRAFT v1.00 20-* AMOS OS Interface v3.4 AMOS OS Interface v3.4 21* PRT_Extension v1.1 PRT_Extension v1.1 22* JD_Extension v4.6 JD_Extension v4.6 (+ = EME is Enhanced Music Extension and is a replacement of the Music.Lib) (- = These are 2 Intuition extensions. Extension #14 is by Andrew Church and is excellently easy!) (* = Not official as far as I know, so the numbers may change) (NOTE: Andrew's Intuition extension is now OFFICIAL! Also, v1.3 will be released either the week of the Feb 6 or Feb 13.)
- Update Intuition v1.0 to v1.3
AMOS AMOS Pro 1+ Music or EME v4.64 Music or EME v4.64 2 Compact v1.2 Picture Compactor v2.00 3 Request v1.41 Requester v2.00 4 3D v1.00 3D v1.02AP 5 Compiler v1.36 Pro Compiler v2.00 6 Serial v1.2 IO Devices v2.00 7 TOME v4.24 TOME v4.24 8 AMCAF v1.40 8 CText v2.5 9 Range (AMOS Club Ext.) v2.8 Range (AMOS Club Ext.) v2.8 10 Dump Lib 10 LDos v2.5 LDos v2.5 11 LSer v2.1 LSer v2.1 12 TURBO PLUS v2.0 TURBO PLUS v2.0 13 Powerbobs Powerbobs 14 Intuition v1.3b Intuition v1.3b 15 DSAM v???? DSAM v???? 16* EasyLife v1.4b EasyLife v1.10a 16 J-Windows 17 Locale v0.26 18 CRAFT v1.00 CRAFT v1.00 19 MusiCRAFT v1.00 MusiCRAFT v1.00 20-* AMOS OS Interface v3.4 AMOS OS Interface v3.4 20 Stars v2.33 Stars v2.33 21 Opalvision v1.1 22* JD_Extension v6.x JD_Extension v6.x 23 Misc v1.0 24 GUI v1.5 (+ = EME is Enhanced Music Extension and is a replacement of the Music.Lib) (* = Not official as far as I know, so the numbers may change)
- Add TOME v4.24 to the AMOS Pro column
- Add AMCAF v1.40 (AMOS Pro only)
- Add Range (AMOS Club Ext.) v2.8 to the AMOS Pro column
- Update TURBO PLUS v1.0 to v2.0
- Add Powerbobs
- Update Intutition v1.3 to v1.3b
Update EasyLife v1.4b to v1.10a (AMOS Pro only)(undone in next version)- Add J-Windows
- Add Locale v0.26
- Add Stars v2.33
Remove PRT_Extension v1.1(undone in next version)- Add Opalvision v1.1
- Update JD_Extension v4.6 to v6.x
- Add Misc v1.0
- Add GUI v1.5
AMOS-LIST FAQ Q5 April 1997
Slot | AMOS | AMOS Pro --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | Music or EME V4.64 | Music or EME V4.64 2 | Compact V1.2 | Picture Compactor V2.00 3 | Request V1.41 | Requester V2.00 4 | 3D V1.00 | 3D V1.02AP 5 | Compiler V1.36 | Pro Compiler V2.00 6 | Serial V1.2 | IO Devices V2.00 7 | TOME V4.24 | TOME V4.24 8 | CText V2.5 | AMCAF V1.43 9 | Range (AMOS Club Ext.) v2.8 | Range (AMOS Club Ext.) V2.9 Plus | Shuffle | 10 | Ercole V1.6 | Ercole V1.7 | Dump Lib | | LDos V2.5 | LDos V2.5 11 | LSer V2.1 | LSer V2.1 12 | TURBO PLUS V2.0 | TURBO PLUS V2.0 13 | | PowerBobs V1.0 14 | Intuition V1.3 | Intuition V1.3b 15 | DSAM V1.01 | DSAM V1.01 16 | EasyLife V1.4b | EasyLife V1.4b 17 | | MakeLib V1.30 | | Locale Extension V0.26 | | Sticks V1.0b | | Cool Stars ! V1.0 18 | CRAFT V1.00 | CRAFT V1.00 | | JD Int V1.3 19 | MusiCRAFT V1.00 | MusiCRAFT V1.00 | | JD K3 V1.1 20 | AMOS OS Interface V3.4 | AMOS OS Interface V3.4 | Stars | Stars V2.33 | | JD Colour V2.0 | | THX Extension V0.6 | | AMOS OS Devkit V1.20 21 | PRT_Extension V1.1 | JD Prt V1.4 | OpalVision V1.1 | 22 | JD_Extension V5.3 | JD V6.4 23 | | Misc V1.0 | | Tools V1.01 24 | | GUI Extension V1.61
- Update AMCAF v1.40 to v1.43
- Update Range (AMOS Club Ext.) v2.8 to v2.9 Plus (AMOS Pro only)
- Add Ercole v1.6 (AMOS 1.x) and Ercole v1.7 (AMOS Pro)
- Update Powerbobs to PowerBobs v1.0
- Update Intutition v1.3b to Intution v1.3 (AMOS 1.x only)
- Update DSAM v???? to v1.01
- Update EasyLife v1.10a to v1.4b
- Remove J-Windows
- Rename Locale v0.26 to Locale Extension v0.26
- Add MakeLib v1.30
- Add Sticks v1.0b
- Add Cool Stars ! v1.0
- Add JD Int v1.3
- Add JD K3 v1.1
- Update Stars v2.33 to Stars (AMOS 1.x only)
- Add JD Colour v2.0
- Add THX Extension v0.6
- Add AMOS OS Devkit v1.20
- Add PRT_Extension v1.1 (AMOS 1.x) / JD Prt v1.4 (AMOS Pro)
- Update JD_Extension v6.x to JD_Extesion v5.3 (AMOS 1.x) / JD v6.4
- Add Tools v1.01
- Update GUI v1.5 to GUI Extension v1.61
AMOS-LIST FAQ Q5 July 1997
Slot | AMOS | AMOS Pro --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | 1 | Music or EME V4.64 | Music or EME V4.64 | | 2 | Compact V1.2 | Picture Compactor V2.00 | | 3 | Request V1.41 | Requester V2.00 | | 4 | 3D V1.00 | 3D V1.02AP | | 5 | Compiler V1.36 | Pro Compiler V2.00 | | 6 | Serial V1.2 | IO Devices V2.00 | | 7 | TOME V4.24 | TOME V4.24 | | 8 | CText V2.5 | AMCAF V1.43 | | 9 | Range (AMOS Club Ext.) V2.8 | Range (AMOS Club Ext.) V2.9 Plus | Shuffle | | | 10 | Ercole V1.6 | Ercole V1.7 | Dump Lib | | LDos V2.5 | LDos V2.5 | | 11 | LSer V2.1 | LSer V2.1 | | 12 | TURBO PLUS V2.0 | Turbo Plus V2.0 | | 13 | | PowerBobs V1.0 | | 14 | Intuition V1.3 | Intuition V1.3b | | 15 | DSAM V1.01 | DSAM V1.01 | | DOOM Music V1.1 | | Delta V1.4 | | 16 | EasyLife V1.4b | EasyLife V1.1 | | 17 | | MakeLib V1.30 | | Locale Extension V0.26 | | Sticks V1.0b | | Cool Stars ! V1.0 | | 18 | CRAFT V1.00 | CRAFT V1.00 | | JD Int V1.3 | | 19 | MusiCRAFT V1.00 | MusiCRAFT V1.00 | | JD K3 V1.1 | | 20 | AMOS OS Interface V3.4 | AMOS OS Interface V3.4 | Stars | Stars V2.33 | | JD Colour V2.0 | | THX Extension V0.6 | | AMOS OS Devkit V1.20 | | 21 | PRT_Extension V1.1 | JD Prt V1.4 | OpalVision V1.1 | | | 22 | JD_Extension V5.3 | JD V6.4 | | 23 | | Misc V1.0 | | Tools V1.01 | | 24 | | GUI Extension V1.62 | | 25 | | P61 V1.1
- Rename TURBO PLUS v2.0 to Turbo Plus v2.0 (AMOS Pro only)
- Update EasyLife v1.4b to EasyLife v1.1 (AMOS Pro only)
- Add DOOM Music v1.1
- Update GUI Extension v1.61 to v1.62
- Add P61 v1.1