Abduction '98
From ExoticA
07-10.06 Abduction 98 (http://dot.tcm.hut.fi/abduction). --------------------------------------------------------- ABD98 was at Oulun Urheilutalo in Oulu, Finland, and this is the fifth time Abduction is arranged. There was a 24h cafeteria. The amiga compo machine is an A1200T with 060-50 and a CyberVision 64/3D graphics card! As usual, Karpow/Scoopex was in charge of the Amiga section of the party. Just under 300 people attended, and 177 were registered as voters for the competitions. The c64 demo competition was cancelled due to a lack of contributions :-( We have intentionally left out the results of the Quake Tournament! :) · Results from file marked 'Abduction '98 Official Results'. amdemo 1. Capsule Inc. "Phase One" (326). 2. Zenon "No Sex!" (267). 3. Nah Kolor "Unauthorized Lands" (243). 4. Madwizards (Mawi) "Radio In Your Eyes" (162). 5. Kinky "Turkoosi Aprikoosi Pieni Sieni" (139). 6. Computer Haters Inc. "Kuka Pelkaa?" (96). 7. Jakkar "Skenery'98 Invitation" (47). 8. BFB Team "1x1" (28). am64k 1. Haujobb & Dual Crew Shining "Soma" (614). 2. NOT Productions "Jazzy Greetro" (331). pcdemo 1. Doomsday "Stigma" (472). 2. Essex & Damage "Orbital" (244). 3. Sadok, Exact, Loke "One Way In, One Way Out" (240). 4. Fit "Anataus 5" (216). 5. Bad Karma "Bleed" (138). 6. Core Team "Hologram (126). 7. Mistery "Vection" (120). 8. Muleteer Effect "D. Copperfield (98). 9. kSM "Matka alamaailmaan" (95). 10. Fakiiri? "Invasion" (89). 11. Istar "Visitors" (77). 12. Terrordrome "Only BumbMap" (71). pc64k 1. PwP "Final ISI" (393). 2. Council 4 "Insane Dreams" (228). 3. Mewlers "Impact 2" (226). 4. Radio "Airomir 0.1mg" (173). 5. Rebelation "Revelation II" (108). 6. TBOLO "Japanialainen" (102). 7. Dazed Productions "Dazed Production" (69). 8. Damones "Julma Neitsyys" (39). 9. Woorlic "Hirvi Hammas" (38). gfx 1. Beast/Kangooroo "Nature" (149). 2. M.O. "Ochester" (147). 3. Man/Fit "Surf 2008" (132). 4. Made/Bomb "Karvel" (129). 5. Tempest/Damage "Betrayal" (120). Tohe/Zenon "Joyo" (120). 7. Anna/Chemical Sisters "THK" (107). 8. Acryl/Scoopex "Back On Safari" (94). 9. Pekiz/Funktion "Heratkaa" (89). 10. Grape/Fakiiri? "Offworld" (81). 11. - "THK" (46). 12. Shock "Dragon Riders" (45). Jeah "Harakiri" (45). raytrc 1. Jcole/Milk^Radio "Why Levitate?" (243). 2. Organic/Bad Karma "Innerspace" (219). 3. Shock "Varikko" (184). 4. Nomad/Scoopex "Return of the Messias" (137). 5. Vaapukka/Mighty Mummies "Corolla" (132). 6. Blackhead/Terrordrome "Lonelines 2" (112). 7. Bird/Scoopex "Symbols" (60). 4chmus 1. Muffler/Haujobb and DCS "Enclose" (225). 2. Mice "Akufunktio" (146). 3. Chavez/DSD^Funktion "Urea Jacta Est" (123). 4. Roz/RNO "Corroded Beats" (105). 5. Organic/Bad Karma "Elektrosphere" (96). 6. Zandax/Damage "Zandland" (82). Tempest/Damage "Comeback" (82). 8. Substance/DCS "On the Streets" (69). 9. P3st/TranZe "Abnormality" (49). 10. Kriffin "Twisted Minds" (46). 11. Deetsay "Happyteknodreamland" (44). 12. Frodo/Cheddar "Kiss My Bass" (38). 13. Laxical/Scoopex "Total Dope Exstatic" (30). 14. Wrec/Zymosis "Sirkuksessa" (24). multich 1. Muffler/Haujobb and DCS and DSD "Ihan" (206). 2. Yzi/Fit "Puoli Volttia" (139). 3. Sape/Cheddar "Jag samlar inte mina tankar, jag spred dem" (137). 4. Jcole/Milk "Passing by the Procyem" (102). 5. Ky "Cswaga" (98). Tiger/Istar "Superconductor" (98). 7. Beathawk "Big Jumping Kebab" (96). 8. Ted "Synthetic" (87). 9. Cyber "Dream" (78). 10. Baldis/Damage "Mighty Joint" (72). 11. Kyllonen "Clinic" (66). 12. Decibel/Damage "Cryo" (61). 13. Organic/Bad Karma "Joint Efforts" (55). Spook/Bad Karma "Sairas Otus" (55). 15. Scrorpio/Demoniac "Silent Words" (43). 16. P3st "Baby Groove" (42). 17. Krii "Dreams" (38). 18. Floppi "Little Lonely Fungus" (33). 19. Dead Angel "Cursed Orphan's Dream" (30). 20. Heatbeat/CNCD "Catchy" (27). wild 1. NOT Productions "Miliisi-TV" (403). 2. Sairwas & Loke "Anti" (266). 3. Holisterit Ry "Tappajanorsu" (214). 4. Teemuki and Chavez "Peili" (200). 5. Vompatti Videoproductions "Itio" (197). 6. Erotomania "En o Sekasi" (151). 7. "How to use a bullwhip - Paivankoitto ja aamunkakkara" (136). 64music 1. Tempest/Damage "Poindexter" (348). 2. Zandax & Tempest/Damage "Jaateloauto" (250). 3. Agemixer/Scallop "Agemixer" (203). 4. Deetsay/Panic! "Kaapu" (162).