Apocalypse '99
From ExoticA
04-05.09 Apocalypse 99. ------------------------ APO99 was held in Brandys nad Labem near Prague, Czech Republic. This was the first ever Apocalypse party, another followed in 2000. The amiga ppc demo competition was cancelled due to no entries. · Results from file marked 'Apocalypse 1999 Results - Czech Party'. amdemo 1. Floppy "TunOn-TuneIn-DropOut" (22). 2. Subway "Trip To Kosovo" (12). 3. Harverster "Overt Enemy" (3). Madwizards "Utopia" (3). 128k 1. Absurd "Magnify" (8). Phase Truce "Enemy" (8). 3. Zeleny/VCT "Trippin" (4). 4. Horizontal Lamerz "Smoked" (2). gfx 1. Jok/DreamWeb "Krzyk" (12). 2. Rork/Decree "AllymandreDeepTreep" (8). 3. Pewex/PSB "Masquerade" (7). Caro/NAH^PHT "Origin" (7). 5. Thung/WPZ "Masta Kila Gacek" (5). 6. VET/ATC "Gray" (3). 7. Johnie/AR "Evolution3" (1). Noro/ATC "Orel" (1). Elektronek/BAEGS "Starport" (1). Dizzy/hLA "Smoked Old Man" (1). Speedy/HVR "City" (1). 12. Budgie/Absurd^DreamWeb "Stoned" (0). Dromader/QCK "Smok" (0). raytrac 1. Ubik/DreamWeb "Krnabrny" (9). Fractal/INS "Rest In Peace" (9). Duncan/Desease "Kermit" (9). 4. ASL/NSN "Kyla" (5). 5. Noro/ATC "Sachy" (1). Voicer/OLB^APT^Void "GennyBase" (1). mLHA/sHD "Stairs and Flowers" (1). 8. Wertexx "1957" (0). Amiga/hLA "Office" (0). 4chmus 1. Roger/CFN "Refrigeration" (11). 2. Dobromir/DW "Jazzfish" (8). Piper/MRS "Acid Race" (8). 4. Spectra and Veezya/OPE "Experimental Trance" (6). Laxical/Scoopex "First Lies" (6). 6. VET/ATC "Hired Guns - Theme" (4). 7. Noro/ATC "Jungle" (2). Frank/ToiletFans "Pierdy2" (2). 9. Subterra Brothers "Come On Baby Kill My Life" (1). 10. Miniu/ToiletFans "Kibel" (0). Voicer^OLB/Apathy and Void "Lsd Trip 3" (0). Hollowman/Trip "Crazy Lazy Funky" (0). multich 1. Immortal "Tomorrow" (12). 2. Spectra/VZY^OPE "Astronaootix" (8). 3. Roger/CFN "Hearsay" (6). 4. Dobromir/DW "Psychik" (5). 5. Piuper/MRS "UVLight" (3). 6. Voicer/OLB^Apathy^Void "Magnetic Storm" (2). Laxical/Scoopex "Acme" (2). anim 1. Tim "Lost In Space" (36). 2. Vonka "Pokoj" (4). 3. Jerry "Domek" (3). 4. Maty "Powered By Amiga" (2). 5. Elektronek/BAEGS "Starport" (1). 6. TiTT/VRT "Oil Lamp" (0). Rat/Unn "BH-90210" (0). crazy 1. Vectors "Wtenczas" (11). 2. Sasosh "Fanda" (10). 3. Vertical Syndicate "Tucolor" (7). 4. Titt/VRT "Babe" (2). 5. Noro/ATC "Setric" (1). 6. Noro/ATC "Votice Remix" (0). Bazooka "Tomik Hulic" (0).