Banal Projects/Reviews
NIVEL.exe (1993, late?, ECS Intro)
Review by Glenn Lunder
This cool little intro opens with a good picture by Prayer, set to the opening bars of Ukulele's frantic and weird tune - VERY hard to classify! Then we're shown an amiga rules-like effect, only divided... hard to explain really! At the top of the screen there's a B.P. logo. Then there's the endpart, with a small mummi-troll (Norwegians and Swedes will know these) in the left corner, and a fractal-triangle-zoomer. Pressing and holding the right mouse button makes it turn the other way, by the way :) In addition, there's a good an unusual text writer. Not bad at all, this! When you exit, you get a few bars of another module, which is kind of...nice.
tested A500 /000-7 /½mb chip, ½mb fast/2.04.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Seasick (1995, 12.08, 40k Intro)
Review by Glenn Lunder
Yeah! This is more like it! Short, but good. I can't really find anything to put my finger on here, except perhaps the weird tune...but it's by Ukulele, so what can you expect? The main effect consists of bitmap manipulations done to a picture of Mickey Mouse seen from behind, surfing. Coolness.
tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Bold (1996, 18.08, AGA File)
Review by Glenn Lunder
This is almost embarassing. This is only a selection of pictures of celebrities, with the text The Banal and the Projects overlaid at regular intervals. In the background you hear the theme music of...that's right, The Bold and the Beautiful. Not wonder it finished almost last.
tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.