Cache '95
From ExoticA
Cache '95. -------------------- CAC95 was held in spring of the year. There were 18 entries for the music competition, and 9 for the graphics. Other results depict the full number of contributions. Cache 96 was held the following year. · Results from file 'Cache'95 Spring Party Updated Results' by CyberDancer/ Shock! pcdemo 1. Xeed "Relaxeed". 2. Phantom Dezign "Intrance". pcintro 1. Byteam "Incompatibility". 2. Murmidones "Obsess". 3. Syndicate "Left". 4. Urin8 "Kanko Janko". music 1. Megant/Byteam "Composed by a Minute". 2. Reptile/Astroidea "One Minute". 3. Nemetz Zoltan "Light". gfx 1. Kal/Astroidea " reg". 2. Ludwig/Therapy "Knight". 3. Derceto/Unicorn "Iron Angel". ansi 1. Bat/Shock! "Bunny". 2. Zax/Shock! "Fractal Sky". 3. ThunderMan/Tdsca "Shock".