Coma 3
From ExoticA
Coma 3. ----------------- CMA3 was held, mainly for the pc scene. · Results from file marked 'Coma3 Results'. demo 1. The Project "ABCDemo" (604). 2. Razor 1911 "FutureNumberTwo" (563). 3. Madbrain "Real Geometry" (560). 4. Suboptical "Feedback" (536). 5. Marshalz "Demopunk" (499). 6. Inca Masters "Uitsulcote" (454). 7. Creative Impact "Project Ayumi" (439). 8. Banjo "Zen of Vache" (421). 9. Phil Rate and the Triangles "Trippedout" (365). 10. The Trap "Funny Looking II" (304). 11. ShitLoadSquad "Experiences" (262). 12. Digital Seppuku "Itsadot" (242). 13. J33P33 "" (236). gfx 1. JackTheRipper "Pheonix" (317). 2. Unkelben "Nosferatu" (275). 3. Impress "Abused" (259). 4. Zelkor "Abyss" (240). 5. Karnotep "Telethuggies" (236). 6. Rayn "Her" (234). 7. Bill/Marsahlz "J6" (230). 8. Mechasonics "Lastminute" (218). 9. TheDead "D&D" (211). music 1. Darkium "The war against clown Bill Gates" (303). 2. Vastator "Exid - Requiem" (281). 3. Digital Sanyo "Sweet Love" (258). 4. Madbrain "Cool" (246). 5. Marshalz "Plague" (241). 6. The Finn "TF-Coma3" (223). 7. Shiftless "Legend" (222). 8. Rayn "Overcoming" (221). 9. D'Analog "Tetris MF" (214). 10. DJ Robert "Awake" (212). 11. Hornet "Metaphor" (136). anim 1. SYD_Studios "OpticVision" (242). 2. Unkelben "Sysiphe" (190). 3. TheDead "DoYouLikeRavers?" (177). wild 1. Zelkor "Decadence". 10 minute music 1. Madbrain. 10 minute gfx 1. The Hornet.