Computer Art Festival '95

From ExoticA
   21.07  Computer Art Festival 95.
CAF95 was held in Bydgoszcz, Poland by Dark Legions for the pc and amiga
scenes. Considered to be the worst party ever held in Poland. No reliable
results were ever released, the Dark Legions crew fell apart some months
after the party due to the furious critique from the rest of the polish
scene. Thanks to 3case for info.

· Results from file marked:
  'Results from the Computer Art Festival'95 held in Bydgoszcz / Poland:'.

demo    1.  Surprise! Productions "DreamSteal" (pc).
        2.  Technology "Reactive" (pc).
        3.  Appendix "Contagion" (amiga).
        xx. Paradise "Into The Pentagram" (pc).
        xx. Substance "Odyssey" (pc).

intro   1.  Technomancer "Fish".
        2.  Camorra "Gustation".
        3.  Adrar Design "Why".
        xx. Surprise! Productions "Up".

gfx     1.  Seq/TRSI.
        2.  Plastu /Flying Cows Inc.
        3.  Primar/Obsession "Descdevil".
        xx. Sketch/Surprise! Productions "Centaur".
        xx. Skowron/Surprise! Productions "Miss Killer".

raytrac 1.  Jan?
        2.  Robot?
        3.  Spilborg Cow?

music   1.  Scorpik/Surprise! Productions "Little Fen-Fire".
        2.  Cielik "Phoenix".
        3.  BFA?

other   Illusion (PL) "JTX Rules 64Ktro" (amiga).