64kb Intro (1995, 30.08, ECS 64k Intro)
Review by Glenn Lunder
This intro opens with FAST filled vector cubes, filled with static and spacecut with the background. The music is pounding techno without much variation or melody, but it works ok to get the adrenalin pumping a little. Next there's some vector lines, which fly together to make shapes and tunnels. They hold onto this effect a little too long for my liking, before showing portraits of the three coders. Incidentally, Slaughter looks like he's 13 or thereabouts :) No offence, ok Slaughter? Then, the intro really takes off with its next screen. At the top there's a good Confusion logo in hues of green, and below that there's a flame effect. This one seems a little original, though, since it seems to take sidewind into consideration, making the flames swing to the side when the virtual winds blow :).
Text output is timed to the beat of the techno music throughout, and that coupled with an OK font and nice design give this a good feel. I definitely want to see more from these guys! The name given above is not the intro's real name; the real name is in Polish and in addition quite unreadable to the untrained eye :)
tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0