From ExoticA
File Name | Size | Information |
AmigaArc.lha | 26945 | v0.23. 1985-87. Amiga port of Arc 5.0. By Raymond S. Brand, System Enhancement Associates. Files : Exe, Readme |
LHArc.lha | 48299 | v1.10, 1.21. Compatible with version 1.13 of Lharc for MSDOS systems. By Paolo Zibetti (ASM code by Paolo Toccaceli). 1990. |
LHArcA.lha | 25852 | By Stefan Boberg. Original 80x86 LZHuf code by Haruyasu Yoshizaki. v0.99a |
PKAZip.lha | 45377 | Amiga Version by Dennis Hoffman. All Rights Reserved. Copyright 1989, 1990 by PKWare, Inc. Version 1.01 1/21/90 |
Zoo.lha | 36130 | Amiga Zoo : Copyright 1991 Rahul Dhesi & J. Brian Waters, Noncommercial use permitted Barebones Ooz : Zoo archive extractor/lister (Big) by Rahul Dhesi, version 1.01 (1987/02/13) |
File Packers
File Name | Size | Information |
ANC_Cruncher.lha | 2083 | By The Criminal / ANC. Based on Byte Killer code by Lord Blitter/BS1. Files : CrSave, CrLoad, 2 Readme. |
Black'n'Decker.lha | 3007 | v2.1. By Filipetto Rizzi / Savage. [Packed with MegaCruncher 1.2] |
Byte_Killer.lha | 28324 | v1.2+, 1.3, 2.0, 2.03, 2.05, 3.0, 3.0b. Docs. Exe decruncher and hacker. v2.0 and v3.0 decruncher source. First version (1.3) by Lord Blitter (Bamiga Sector One) in Jan 1998. GUI by the Blizzard group. 2.05 by Cath/LSD. Fixed decrunch adress. |
Byte_Killer_DataDecruncher.lha | 21588 | v1.1. By Stephen 'Dr.Who/Infect' Mifsud who was known as FantaZY/SynerGY. 1997. With sources and test files. Decrunches v1.0 pro to 3.0 ByteKiller data. |
Byte_Killer_DataRipper.lha | 18203 | By Stephen Mifsud 'Dr.Who' of Infect. 1984. Find in memory BK data and decrunches it. Recognize and decrunches v1.0 pro to 3.0 ByteKiller, all versions of Black & Decker, Compack 1.0 and Drakpack 1.0. |
Chryseis.lha | 10380 | v0.9. 1994. By Lazy Coder/ Chryseis. Decrunch an exe while loading like Titanic cruncher. "The crunching algorithm is a lempel-ziv like (size-offset encoding) with variable sized size-and-offset information, but instead of coding string repetitions, it's coding byte repetitions (it's just like byterun-1 but with extra offset information)". |
Commercial_Decruncher.lha | 5799 | By Turbo. Decrunches commercial crunchers like Rob Norton Cruncher ('RNC1' tag, data and exe versions), FileImploder ('IMP!' or 'ATN!'), 'ATOM' data cruncher, TurboPacker? ('Ice!', data), Factor5? ('TPWM', data), ByteKiller 1.x and Black&Decker 2.0 (no tags). |
ComPack.lha | 1259 | v0.1. Written by Blizzard. 7/87 |
ComPacker.lha | 2001 | v4.2+. ComPacker+ v4.2 Extended version. By Vortex 42/ ESH |
Cop_Pack.lha | 3709 | Binary cruncher. 1994. by Copkiller / Coldcut |
CrunchMania.lha | 410948 | v1.4, 1.6, 1.7t, 1.9t, 1.91t. 1991-93. By Thomas Schwarz. Great user manual. Shareware. Several algorithms, like LZ-Huffman and samples (delta). Absolute and relocable code. Crunch/decrunch library and documentation for developper. |
Crunch-O-Matic.lha | 17479 | 1992. v1.0. By Andreas Genthner. Shareware. Packs and executes an IFF picture, a module, a text file and an usual executable. |
Defjam_Packer.lha | 12948 | v3.2, 3.6. By AntiAction/DefJam. With doc. |
Disk_and_File_Imploder.lha | 11901 | v1.0. (C)1989 Discovery Software Intl. Inc. All Rights Reserved |
Double_Action.lha | 72955 | v1.0. By Vince / Tristar. 1990 |
Drag_Pack.lha | 14852 | v1.0b, 2.52 Pro. By Blue Duck Hunter / Velcro Fly. 1988 |
FlashSpeed_Cruncher.lha | 3978 | v1.0. In 1992 by Argon and Crash |
High_Pressure_Cruncher.lha | 3845 | The High Pressure Cruncher, written by The Bitfreak in 1989 for FBI |
HQC_Crunchers.lha | 15587 | Compressor : High Quality Crackings Inc Single Part Repacker 1.00. Cruncher : HQC, (C)1987 A.C.G Enterprises |
Imploder.lha | 164707 | v3.0, 3.1, 4.0. Freeware. Code by Perter Struijk and Albert J Brouwer. Music by Paul van der Valk. 1991. With docs. |
ISC_Amiga.lha | 6883 | v1.5. (c) Skull of Rainbow Trio. 24.05.89 |
Master_Cruncher.lha | 8037 | v3.00. Coded by Robert Frahm & Michael Cremer. |
Max_Packer.lha | 7386 | |
Mega_Cruncher.lha | 16720 | v1.0, 1.2. By Hans Bergstedt. Software copyrights (c) 1988 by Llewellyn Technologies. [packed with MegaCruncher 1.0] |
Omega_Packer.lha | 13956 | v1.3 |
Pack_It.lha | 7870 | Written by Gary Kemper. Copyright 1987 by Tigress |
Pack_It_v1.0.lha | 31766 | Release 1.10. Written 1990 by Joachim Koester & Joerg-R. Scholz. (C)'90 by K&S Software & HK-Computer. 07.07.90 |
PowerPacker.lha | 284759 | v2.1a, 2.2a, 2.3a, Pro 3.0b, 4.0-1.3, 4.2-2.04. By Nico Francois (Lone Wolf / PowerPeak). 1989-1992. With docs. Recrunches ANC, Dragpack, HQC2, Imploder4, MasterCruncher 3, Relokit 1.1, Titancruncher 1.1, TNM 1.1 and TurboSqueeze 5.1. System friendly, ARexx port, Hunklab, Encryption. |
Pro_Pack.lha | 28622 | Pro-Pack 2.08 Software Developers File Compression Utility. 3 Apr 92. Copyright (c) 1991,92 Rob Northen Computing, UK. All Rights Reserved. [packed with ProPack]. |
Red_Sector.lha | 2784 | House-Version 1.4 by FLASH for the RED SECTOR. The names have been changed to protect the innocent... |
Relokit.lha | 4012 | v1.0. (c) by J.J.'88. Relocatible File Packer v1.0. Crunch and Decrunch Routine (c) by Lord Blitter. |
ScrunchPro.lha | 17844 | ScrunchPro v1.0d. Written & Developed by 2-Cool of LSD. Copyright (c) 1992. All Rights are Reserved. |
SMF_Compacter.lha | 1535 | v1.0. Written in 1987 by The Softicus |
Spikes_Cruncher.lha | 3748 | v1.1. |
Stonecracker.lha | 347913 | v2.92, 4103. Jouni Korhonen (Mr Spiv/Cave). 'S404' tag. Decrunch source code. External library for developpers. |
Super_Cruncher.lha | 8487 | Fast Team / KNS. v2.7 |
Supplex_Cruncher.lha | 10963 | Based on MegaCruncher, improved + speeded by Jumbo & Snap of Supplex. [packed with MegaCruncher 1.2] |
Syncro_Packer.lha | 3423 | V4.6. (C)20-Feb-90 by Syncro of Science 451 |
Tetra_Cruncher.lha | 22524 | TetraCruncher 1.1, 1.02. TetraPack 2.1, 2.2 + Doc. |
The_Crunch_Master.lha | 1678 | Coding 1988 by The Visitors (Herbie and Kitt). The mainfunction of this program is to crunch an object file, for example a file created by The Object Master |
Timecruncher.lha | 6569 | v1.7, 2.2. Improved and partly coded by The Cracker / Triangle, Vox Dei. |
Titanics_Cruncher.lha | 46244 | v1.1, 1.2. Written 1989 by Triad. With on the fly load & decrunch routine. |
Turbo_Spike.lha | 7591 | Copyright 1992/93 Turbo/Infect. Crunch-/Decrunchroutines based on Spike1.5 but are speed up and optimized. |
TNM_Master_Cruncher.lha | 6144 | System Friendly. By The New Masters |
Tryit_Cruncher.lha | 5220 | v1.01. 3rd December '88. By Bernd Knochenhauer |
TSK_Cruncher_And_Linker.lha | 2034 | Cruncher & Linker of TSK |
Turtle_Smasher.lha | 16479 | v1.41. Him & Mr.Crook of Vox Dei. Can write packed data as disk tracks. |
TWPack.lha | 12135 | TWPackPro 1.0. 1992, The Wave. Coded by Surfman. |
Ultimate_Packer.lha | 46877 | v1.1, 1.1b. Georges Thill. |
Disk Crunchers
File Name | Size | Information |
DMS.lha | 74610 | DMSwin TURBO 1.52, Update By Blackhawk of Paradox!. DMS WBench (c) 1994 ParCon Software version v2.04 |
DisCruncher.lha | 13803 | v1.0 by Phoenix. |
LHWarp.lha | 25097 | v1.40. Written by Jonathan Forbes, Copyright Xenomiga Technology, 1990. |
Warp.lha | 12556 | v1.1. Written by the fine programmers at MAAD. The default mode is with Dynamic Lempel-Zev, Huffman Squeezing, and NCR Packing as the compression mode. |
Zoom.lha | 86311 | v5.4. Copyright 1990-92 by Olaf Barthel, all rights reserved. Zoom! is a Gift-Ware product. Lh data compression/decompression code Copyright 1990-91 by Holger P. Krekel & Olaf Barthel, run-length-compression code Copyright 1992 by Henning Leise |
File Name | Size | Information |
Chunk.lha | 1100 | v0.1. By Dr.Who. Clips useless hunk from an executable |
Coder.lha | 10696 | v1.2.2. Usage: Code [decode]. By Fast-Team & KNS. |
DPaint_Unpack.lha | 1196 | v1.1. Written by Quicksoft of Axenon in 1989 |
IFFCR.lha | 2930 | The linear IFF-ILBM modulo cruncher. v2.0. (C)1987/88 The Third Wave. By A.J.Brouwer |
NoisePacker.lha | 6535 | v2.0, 3.0. 1990. Twins of Phenomena. Replay. |
OKS_Addresscoder.lha | 1337 | By Marvin the Sunrider of the O.K.S. Import Division. v1.1. |