Deathstar (1988-1989)
- Hackman (org swap, 12/88-06/89)
- Hippo (crack, old handle Lonely Rider)
- Icebreaker
- Jason (music, 06-07/89)
- LouLou Becane (89)
- Mucky Pup (gfx, 89)
- Scenic (06/89)
- Sir Monkey
- Softhunter
- Willow (gfx, 07/89)
- Zei (gfx, 89)
- Equinoxer (music, new 89)
- Overlord (org gfx swap, 12/88-07/89)
- ???
- Asia (gfx, 89)
- Dark Light (music, 89)
- Gloryboy (swap, 12/88-06/89)
- Miguel (89)
- Suicide (06/89)
Group History
Deathstar was a finnish demo group, formed by Drucer and Hackman late 1988. Their first release was Drucer's "Deadly Mix 2 Intro" [11/88]. By december, Codewizard (code), Gloryboy (swap), Shit Talker (crack), Viz (swap), Watchman (music) and Overlord (swap) had also joined. That month also saw two demo releases; "Dry Vodka" by Codewizard, and "Blasting" by Drucer.
- 1989
- The group coarranged the "Lahtiparty" with Overload, X-Men and Phalanx on the 7th to the 9th of april, and this was likely where Drucer's demo "Bob Outburst" [04/89] was released. By june when "Deadly Jammin -equa" [06/89] was released, Apol, Dr.DMA, Jason, LouLou Becane, Miguel, Scenic, Smithson, Suicide and Sulky Fellow had all been added to the memberlist, while Codewizard (code hardware, 12/88), Shit Talker (crack, 12/88) and Viz (swap, 12/88) had disappeared. Drucer released an additional demo this month, "Ham Magic" [06/89]. The original was quickly followed by "Deadly Jammin II" [07/89] in july. Graphician Willow and musician Unknown Artist, both of whom worked on this disk, was not on the memberlist from the previous month, and are presumed new members since then. A few other demos were released this year too, which we do not know the exact release date for. They are Sulky Fellow's "Fatal Mistake" [89], Apol's "Debut" [89] (made to announce Apol's joining, and featuring members Zei and Dark Light, which were new to us), Apol's "My Home Town" [89] (obviously made after "Debut"), Drucer's 2-disk "Megademo" [89] (featuring members Mucky and Asia, which were new to us), Sulky Fellow's "Sulky Fellow 1" [89] intro, and finally Dr.DMA's "Move Your Mouse" [89] which announced the group's death. It is also beliueved that Dr.DMA and Drucer's "The Vector Scroller" is a 1989 release.
The group's death, as announced in the demo "Move Your Mouse" [89] was initiated by Watchman (music, 12/88-) being kicked out. This was in turn followed by core members Doctor DMA, Drucer and Smithson leaving to form Animate, since they were discontent with the the general skill level in Deathstar. It is possible that some other people from this group later followed on to this new group, but this is unconfirmed speculation for now, unfortunately. Some other members (Apol, Ripper, Sulky Fellow, Unknown Artist, ...) instead opted to form another group, called Exodus. Thanks to Reed for some information!
Deadly Mix 2 Intro -Party- (1988, 23.11, ECS Multifile Demo)
- Credits
- code: Drucer
- gfx: n/a
- music: "Sky.04" (15ch SoundTracker format)
- Info
- Released at The Jungle Command party.
Dry Vodka (1988, .12, ECS Demo)
- Credits
- code: Codewizard
- gfx: n/a
- music: "Farewell-" by Watchman (NoiseTracker MOD format)
Blasting (1988, .12, ECS File)
- Credits
- code/gfx: Drucer
- music: "Watchman-Super" by Watchman (15ch SoundTracker format)
Bob Outburst (1989, .04, ECS File)
- Credits
- code/gfx: Drucer
- music: "B S t" by Drucer (NoiseTracker MOD format)
Deadly Jammin -equa (1989, .06, ECS Demo)
- Credits
- code: Dr.Dma
- gfx:
- Leonid (logo)
- Hammer (font)
- music: "Expressway" by Watchman
- Info
- Graphicians Leonid and Hammer are not on the memberlist published in this demo. Released AFTER SoundTracker 2.3.
Ham Magic (1989, 14.06, ECS Demo)
- Credits
- code/gfx: Drucer
- music: Watchman (15ch SoundTracker format, no name)
Deadly Jammin II (1989, .07, ECS Trackloaded Musicdisk)
- Credits
- code: Drucer
- gfx:
- Willow (font)
- Overlord (city)
- music:
- Jason
- Unknown Artist
- Watchman (all 15ch SoundTracker format)
Fatal Mistake (1989, ECS Demo)
- Credits
- code/gfx: Sulky Fellow
- music: "Coolballad(Part2)" by Unknown Artist
Debut (1989, ECS Demo)
- Credits
- code: Apol
- gfx:
- Zei (logo)
- Apol (others)
- music: "Sweet Dreams" by Dark Light (NoiseTracker MOD format)
- Info
- Made to announce Apol joined Deathstar.
My Home Town (1989, ECS File)
- Credits
- code/gfx: Apol
- music: "Adagio 89" by Dark Light (NoiseTracker MOD format)
Megademo (1989, ECS Trackloaded Megademo, 2 disks)
- Credits
- code: Drucer
- gfx:
- Hackman
- Mucky
- Asia
- Zei
- music:
- "Deathstar", "Loadermuzak", "Klicking" by Jason
- "Benny Hill Theme", "Jason Takes Crown", "Parting Song", "Mysharona", "Delta", "Leavinf", "Pacific", "Watchman-25.12" by Watchman
Sulky Fellow 1 (1989, ECS Intro)
- Credits
- code: Sulky Fellow
- gfx: n/a
- music: "Vector" by Watchman (NoiseTracker MOD format)
Move Your Mouse (1989, ECS Demo)
- Credits
- code: Dr.Dma
- gfx: Willow (logo)
- music: "Tune" by ???
- Info
- This intro announced Watchman was kicked out, and that Deathstar would reform under the name Animate.
The Vector Scroller (ECS File)
- Credits
- code:
- Dr.Dma
- Drucer
- gfx:
- Drucer
- Dr.DMA
- music: Equinoxer (??)
- Info
- This intro announced Equinoxer had joined in Sweden.