ECES Party '91

From ExoticA
14-16.06  ECES Party 91.
Eskilstuna Computer Entertainment Show (ECES) was held at Stålforsskolan in
Eskilstuna, Sweden by Phenomena (Mr.Gurk), Rebels (Nick), Razor 1911
(Ziphoid) and Conqueror & Zike. The party was plagued with the usual
electricity shortage problems. Mr.Gurk was the 'confrancier'. In addition to
the usual competitions, a '3-hour Demo' competition (the forerunner of
todays fastintro compos) and an IQ test (won by Ted/Defjam) was arranged.
About 750 people attended. The demo competition winning price was 5000 SKR.
  The demo was first announced with a text file spread at the Amiga
Convention Summit (Static Bytes and Prologic Party) in late april, then
later also via Phenomena's invitation demo.

· Information from invitation text file.
· Results from official results file.
· Information and results from party report in Digital 04-05/91.

invit   Phenomena "ECES '91 Invitation" (amiga).

amdemo  1.  Dual Crew "New Dimension".
        2.  The Silents "Geometrical Dreams".
        3.  Voice "Wonderful".
        xx. Draco "Micro-Intro".

gfx     1.  Iridon/Shining.
        2.  Red Baron.
        3.  Martin & William.

music   1.  Cris/Toxic Waste.
        2.  Dreamweaver/Aurora.
        3.  Misty/Shining.

3h demo 1.  Panic "Pain".
        2.  Oxygen "Unknown name".
        3.  Aurora "Five Minutes from Perfection".

other   Blue Hotel Computer Productions "E.C.E.S. Slideshow".
        Dual Crew "Party Slideshow".
        Rebels "E.C.E.S. Slideshow".