Eastern Conference '95
From ExoticA
29-30.04 Eastern Conference 95. -------------------------------- Held in Biaîystok, Poland by Ladybird Design for the amiga scene. Some complete results would be extremely nice, what's here now is pieced together from several other sources... invit Ladybird Design "Eastern Conference Poland '95 Invitation" (amiga). amdemo 1. Freezers "Lech". 2. Tilt and Old Bulls "Moments". 3. Flying Cows Inc. "Boom-Boom". xx. Failure. xx. Lamers. xx. Venture "Anal-phabeta". am64k 1. TRSI "48kb Intro". xx. Joker "Frank Frazetta part 4". gfx 1. Jackal "Czerwony Smoczek". 2. Zefir "Bambi". music xx. Dreamer "Folx-Wagen Passat" -unselected- other Anadune "Collage" (amiga demo). Joker "Star Wars" (amiga).