Ahdin Antimet Intro (1994, mid.02, ECS Intro)
Review by Glenn Lunder
The intro opens and closes with a fish swimming across the screen. The graphics are functional and nice, and that goes for the entire intro; the unusual 8x8 pixel font is an especially nice variation. Other than that it's a standard style logo-plotter-scroll intro, even though it's nicely executed. This was the first ever intro by Fanatic.
tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Hate 2 (1995, 12.08, Demo)
Review by Glenn Lunder
H2 is a fast-paced c2p-style demo, though this one has more old fashioned texture mapping than phong- and envmapping. There are some nice routines, with an elastic tunnel ride a highlight, but most of it is a little blocky. Other routines worth mentioning are a moving lightsource shining down on a star that consequently cast a shadow, and two spacecut, z-buf shaded toruses. Doc's picture of a seal springing from a man's head and the text 'Hate 2' is the only handpixelled graphics in the demo, the rest is all rendered. The music shows promise as an uptempo dance demo tune, but ultimately lacks in punch and edge. In the end, this suffers from what almost all 'object' demos suffer from, a lack of soul...and the almost all-rendered graphics doesn't make it better. A good, alive tune and decent graphics can save a demo like this...but it doesn't save this one. The palette on the z-buffer part is way too dark. The endscroller can be paused with the right mouse button.
Next year, SHD coded the amazing "Traffic" [08/96] for Mystic at the Assembly.
tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.