Fiasko '98
From ExoticA
Fiasko 98. -------------------- FIA98 is a party for the pc scene we unfortunately know very little about... In an unusual twist on the rating system, the numbers here is the AVERAGE rating given, where 1 is best and 5 is worst. The lower the number, the better the votes =) · Results from file marked 'Fiasko 98 - Official Results'. pcdemo 1. MovSD "Pragma Aux" (1.41). 2. Zden "-artofnoize-" (2.24). 3. El/Caitiff "Super Hero" (2.36). 4. Dr.Agon "The Real" (3.73). pc64k 1. Shakul/MovSD "StoSD" (1.26). 2. Axe "Pipkasot 64kB Intro" (1.91). 3. Downtown "Her Fingerprints On My Soul" (2.50). 4. Broncs "Underground" (2.59). 5. Carlos "Introtation" (4.10) pc4k 1. Downtown "a19" (1.50). 2. X-Brain/inReal "Space of Sinewaves" (2.52). pc256b 1. Broncs "Advanced Raytracing" (1.87). 2. Andril "Textaroo" (1.98). 3. Downtown "Funky Toruz Generator" (2.02). 4. Karak/MovSD "Meteors" (2.09). 5. Jiri Vlasak "Koulo" (2.21). 6. X-Brain/InReal "Plasma" (2.40). 7. Bohoon "Fire" (3.04). 8. ClouSeau "256Bytro" (3.17). gfx 1. Lukas "Little Li" (1.30). 2. Hellboy "Danine Joghurt" (1.68). 3. Stynger & Scape "Stop Racism" (1.76). 4. Virus/MovSD "Ponorka" (1.86). 5. Cox "The Fortress of Fear" (2.31). 6. Malcolm "Adina" (2.86). 7. Seva/MovSD "Princezna" (2.96). 8. OSk/MovSD "Dino" (3.18). Bad "Space Travel" (3.18). 10. Broncs "Feel Da Broncs" (4.06). music 1. Panter/Peon "Guardian of Destiny" (1.72). 2. Extrem "Confidential" (1.88). 3. Wark/Leitmotiv "Myth" (1.98). 4. RSP/AV "Underthrown" (2.26). 5. Finarfin/Leitmotiv "Fantasia" (2.40). MaX/MovSD "Ubiquitous Passion (remix)" (2.40). 7. Shadow/Peon "Sunshine" (2.45). 8. Lukas "Lukasek is BACK!" (2.46). 9. Carlos "Sounds of Freedom" (2.63). 10. Ruber Talpa "Electric Ocean" (2.68). 11. Caitiff "Dream of Jelly" (2.78). 12. Hellboy "Nature 2" (2.80). 13. Doga "Let's Jazz" (2.86). 14. Bist+DD "Space Enemy" (2.90). 15. Flash/Peon "Rainstorm" (2.96). 16. X-Brain/InReal "Terminators Are Back" (3.14). 17. Buffy "Crying In The Rain" (3.20). 18. Dr.Agon "Landing" (3.37). 19. Patrick "Music Makes Me Dizzy" (3.46). 20. Pinky/Pipin Worx "Bozi Tabot Ve Pstruzi" (4.06). chipmus 1. Extrem "One More Byte" (2.44). 2. Carlos "Worms 20" (2.46). 3. Ruber Talpa "Moth" (2.50). 4. ClouSeau "Viva FM Synthesis" (2.54).