Flag 2002

From ExoticA
12-14.06  Flag 2002.
FLG02 was held in Budapest, Hungary for the c64, amiga and pc scenes. 81
people voted in the competitions. The amiga demo competition was cancelled
due to no entries, while the 64k and 4k competitions were held mixed.

· Results from file marked 'FLaG 2002 RESULTS FILE'.

pcdemo  1.  Fresh!MindWorkz "Fractal Regression" (139).
        2.  Dilemma "Deep SomewhereOver 2" (136).
        3.  TeVe "Resurrection" (59).
        4.  Ümlaüt Design "You Die" (46).
        5.  Elmü "Power" (3).
        6.  Fresh!MindWorkz "Ampére" (2).

64k     1.  Digital Dynamite "Test Run" (209).
        2.  Schnaader/Avenger Sq. "Frotz" (111).

4k      1.  Gem "Wobbler" (195).
        2.  License "Sugárzás 2" (97).
        3.  Illumination "Past" (69).
        4.  HHC "The Fa" (13).

256byte 1.  FcR/Evidence "Blob" (112).
        2.  Molecoola "Glöbchen" (94).
        3.  Gargaj/Ümlaüt Design "Yogg" (59).
        4.  Blala "Cubemania" (37).
        5.  Robymus "Kistehén" (28).
        6.  Alexione/MindNever "Gwarp" (25).
        7.  Procyon/Ümlaüt Design "Pi" (22).
        8.  Megasys "Tetris" (21).
        9.  Árpi/Astral "Gabucino" (0).

64demo  1.  The Dreams "Sign of Life" (66).

64gfx   1.  Da Medron/Padua "Alone" (68).
        2.  Jailbird/Breeze "Rage 2" (66).

64music 1.  Vincenzo "Partymade" (77).
        2.  Jammer "Easygoing" (51).
        3.  Sidder "Disko" (29).
            Vincenzo "C64 Dance" (29).
        5.  Roostah & Agemixer "Good Morning Magyar" (17).
        6.  SB "Latin Dance" (8).

pixel gfx
        1.  Magicboy/Superstition "DJ Jaggy" (75).
        2.  IR "Sickering" (69).
        3.  Mime/Scenic "At Eddie's" (52).
        4.  Critikill/Farbrausch "Lee Against Nature" (39).
        5.  Ananke/Ultima "Bastion" (30).
        6.  Fusko/Scenic "Mrs. Winter" (28).
        7.  Sade/CMDS "Friends" (26).
        8.  Freak/Madvirgin "Zerobyte@Wormhole" (13).
        9.  Freak/Madvirgin "Spuzvihc" (2).

raytrac 1.  Rufus "Rebirth" (62).
        2.  Kálmán Arnold "Fl Car" (48).
        3.  Dani "Scendélet" (47).
        4.  Fat "Oldtimer" (32).
        5.  IR "Myroom" (31).
        6.  Kondás Péter "A skorpió barlangjában" (30).
        7.  Dob "ME-209" (25).
        8.  Balage "Mi van a korsóban?" (23).
            Zoom/Inquisition "Little Red Heart" (23).
        10. AgentZS "Tanx" (18).
        11. Rudy/MindNever "Paranoidandroidz" (15).
        12. sAti "Discman" (10).
        13. Maxie "My Dream Valley" (5).

4chmus  1.  Reed/TRSI "Godfather" (52).
        2.  Padre Vincenzo "The Magic Flute" (44).
        3.  Phantom Lord "Renegade 2" (28).
        4.  DJ Mohax "Ring of Fire" (23).
        5.  Vhiiula "Verita Vitae" (21).
        6.  Blakkhar "1.4bc" (11).

multich 1.  Padre Vincenzo "Blue Funk" (69).
        2.  Nagz "Plaketa Tzatziki" (53).
        3.  Kvazar "Erotic Rhythm" (41).
        4.  Phantom Lord "I Wanna Be A Bat" (40).
        5.  Törpicsek "BLT" (22).
        6.  KCG "Be Voltam Tépve" (18).
        7.  Control "Take It Easy" (13).
        8.  Vhiiula "My Name Is Fountain H." (11).
        9.  Sebik "Dreamer's Sound" (3).

mp3     1.  Mephizto "Coffee Break" (56).
        2.  Sly Spy "Sex" (53).
        3.  BMC "Escape From The Jungle" (38).
        4.  Vhiiula "Planet Oxymoron" (35).
        5.  Leroi "Eagle Wing" (32).
        6.  Gargaj "Mk.Mid" (30).
        7.  Control "Travelling" (29).
            Belfegor "Botas256" (29).
        9.  Jumper "Ear of Wheat" (22).
        10. Morisz "Hellar" (3).

anim    1.  Aenima "Tension" (198).
        2.  IR "Dofish / Rémember" (194).
        3.  Ary "Szélerõmû" (65).