General Probe '95

From ExoticA
10-11.02  General Probe 95.
GP95 was held during the winter holidays at a school in Ostrowiec
Swietokrzyski, Poland by Adrar Design for the pc scene only. It is
considered the first major pc scene event in Poland. About 100 people
attended. This was the first ever GP party, but another was held the
following year.

· Results from file marked 'GENERAL PROBE'95'.

pcdemo  1.  Camorra "Gust".
        2.  Technomancer "Underwater".
        3.  Substance "SX".

pcintro 1.  Hardtrack "Catwalk".
        2.  Paradise "Shades of God".
        3.  Bigman "Topsy Torvy".