The Great Balls of Leonid

From ExoticA
(Redirected from Great Balls of Leonid)
The Great Balls of Leonid
The Great Balls of Leonid screenshot
Composer(s) Leonid
Group(s) Neutron Dance
Released At
Music Format(s) Soundtracker
Year published Unknown

UnExoticA Music Files


Download archive Demo/Leonid/The_Great_Balls_of_Leonid.lha
The music has had a "F86" command removed from the first playing pattern. It was intended as a trap for people ripping the tune, as the replayer in the demo doesn't support the F command.

Filename File Size Composer Demo Year Group
File List End v2.png mod.muzac 107182 Leonid The Great Balls of Leonid 19xx Neutron Dance
Tuesday 06 January 2004 (Kyzer): Added to collection
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