Impact DK/Reviews

From ExoticA

In a World of ASCII (1994, 27.12, ECS File)

Review by Glenn Lunder

Cool! If you're a fan of scene ascii art, this demo is certainly one you'd want to download. Some traditional effects have been re-done here, in an AmigaDOS window and with ascii chars... Or perhaps not. I can't quite shake the feeling that the DOS part is just as fake as the one in Andromeda's "D.O.S" [04/92]. You can't backdrop or resize the window in any way, hmm... Well, what can I say? Morph's a fine ascii artist, the coding is clever, and the music is rather cool...DOWNLOAD!
tested A500 /000-7 /½mb chip, ½mb fast/2.04. -- Note: Not enough mem!
A2000/000-7 /1mb chip, 2mb fast/2.04.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.

Vi Har Spist Chocoladen (1995, late, 4k Intro)

Review by Glenn Lunder

Impact has squeezed a lot out of their 4k with this one! It opens with an IMPACT pattern that moves :), then goes on to some interference. Next is a nice routine, in which a line vector 'cube' mutates quite heavily as it crashes into the walls of the 4 walls it's confined to. Next up is postage stamp-size, SLOW fractal zoomer and then a fake ending leads up to the final effect - three different keftales animations on a single screen and the text 'IMPACT DK - VI HAR SPIST CHOCOLADEN' (hence the name!). I have no idea where this was entered in a competition :)
tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.