The Party 5 Intro (1995, 28.12, AGA 40k Intro)
Review by Glenn Lunder
After the intro sequence, with a static guraud shaded face object, we quickly move on to a voxelspace routine. This is one of the most simple ones I've seen, and not remarkable in any way. The rest of the intro features a lot of gouraud shading, and not much else. Don't these people realise that "G-Force" was the final word in gouraud? Granted, I do not think I've seen a gouraud glenz - before or after - but the fact remains that it's not all that interesting anymore...
Pixie's contribution comes in the form of a small picture of a screaming face trying to break free of something, sort of pressing its face off a platform. It's one of Pixie's better pictures. The highlight comes at the end though, with a little humorous (not to mention gouraud shaded) Intel Outside logo spinning...
One major drawback about this intro is the unimaginative use of color; everything's in shades of blue or shades of brown. Perhaps these guys should consider recruiting a graphician to do their design?
The spelling of this group's name is not consistent through the intro; they use both In-Sect and Insect.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.