From ExoticA
07-09.04 Lahtiparty. --------------------- Held by Overload, X-Men, Phalanx and Deathstar at a school in Lahti, finland. It was originally scheduled be held a few weeks earlier, but had to be postponed. The entrance fee was 30FIN, which most people found to be a tad high, especially as it included no other luxuries. At 20:00 on friday, the first day of the party, the school's principal came and was distraught by the fact that people were drinking alcohol inside the school. Everything was fine for a small while, but then someone broke a bottle, and the principal lost his head. He threatened to call the police if everyone did not leave the school at once, and when noone did, the police finally had to come. Everyone was thrown out of the school, but after some reasoning the people who had no possible way to get home were allowed into the gymnastics hall for the night. Even though the party continued on saturday and sunday in a different location, most people went home after the pretty disastrous friday. This was the first of two parties in Lahti this year, causing some confusion between this and the other one, held in november. · Information from party report in AFL's "Cracker Journal #14" (amiga). invit Overload "Party Info Intro" (amiga).