Lemon. (new)

From ExoticA

Lemon. [new] (1996-)

Lemon. was an Amiga demo group.



United Kingdom
Dan (code gfx, ex Spaceballs)
Del (code)
Spaceman (music, ex Spaceballs)
Astro (Casper can Schie, editor "R.A.W", ex Virtual Dreams)
Facet (gfx, ex Virtual Dreams, doublememb TBL)
SuperNao (music, ex Virtual Dreams, doublememb TBL)
Infant (code, Rene van der Steen)
Dope (code, Joost Brugman)
Blazor (code)

Group History

Lemon. were revived by Astro, Facet and SuperNao from Virtual Dreams shortly after The Party 5, but ultimately never released a single product. The entire group sort of drifted into scene-inactivity. An exact date of death is therefore hard to specify.

Facet (www.n-l.com/facet) and Supernao (www.nl.com/supernao)'s personal websites went up.