MAME is an emulator originally written by Nicola Salmoria, creator of the NewIcons system patch for the Amiga Workbench environment.
The cleverly named Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator does exactly what it says on the tin in that it strives to emulate literally thousands of classic arcade game originals, along with clones and bootlegs. It is futile to keep an up to date number of actual games supported as the emulator is constantly updated with new games added all the time.
As well as emulating more commonly known arcade systems such as Neo-Geo, it also emulates arcade games that used computer or console based hardware, such as the NES, SNES, MegaDrive, PlayStation and Sega Saturn. The Amiga 500 is emulated since a handful of games were released by Arcadia for the Super Select System and American Laser Games used the A500 to control their Laserdisc games - even the CD³² makes an appearance due to games created by CD Express for the Cubo CD32 system!
External Links
- - Offical homepage
- MAME on Wikipedia