Mainframe 2002
From ExoticA
Mainframe 2002. ------------------------- MF02 was held in Sweden. · Results from file marked 'Official Results Mainframe 2002'. demo 1. Poor Groupless Sceners "Unsigned" (74). 2. THC "Tinnitus I Mina Ögon" (64). 64k 1. Output "Hello World!" (59). 2. Excreate "Absorb" (39). 3. Immersion "Sileo" (28). 4k 1. Bumbu/Steffo "B Som I Box" (38). 2. WildCat/Scania H "Flare Fever" (33). 3. Mojo/Scania "RGB Bloobs" (28). 4. Outbreak "Mainframe 4k" (26). 5. Plastic "Petit Plastiqe" (21). 6. Larsby/Scania "Arr Ge Bee" (18). 7. Blow "m4k" (16). 8bitdemo 1. Puterman vs Hollowman "Doc Bacardi meets Doc Sportdryck" (96). 2. Haquebright "Urtyp" (20). 3. Dekadence "Surmjölk" (18). 4. Civitas "Insane World" (13). 5. Civitas "Freedom" (11). 8bitgfx 1. Vodka/Fairlight "Infected Mushroom" (48). 2. Goofy/FractalBanana Society "D4" (36). 3. PI/Church of C64 "Huono Reso" (10). 4. Zeitgeist/Civitas "Hulda" (8). deluxe style pixel 1. Zabutom "Glubb" (21). 2. Larsby/Scania "Pezzini" (20). 3. GB/SolidChaos "Ensamratt" (19). 4. Foo/cKolon "Shroom" (18). 5. Opius "Blastro" (15). 6. Lord Olof/SolidChaos "Hon Eller Han" (2). wildgfx 1. s3k7lunch "Microsofts Most Stable Product" (55). 2. Lord Olof/SolidChaos "Green" (25). 3. Rufus/Bypass "Billybutt" (14). 4. GB/SolidChaos "Opptomannen" (12). chip music 1. Zabutom "King of the Arcades" (32). 2. Nim/Sektlunch "Ostfralla Utan Ost" (30). 3. Larsby/Scania "Cancer Chips" (25). 4. Puterman/Civitas "Mainframe" (13). 5. Richard/Civitas "The Light" (12). 6. Elaketh/Pichu "Verfahren337" (8). 7. Mojo/Scania "Dev Null" (7). 8. Larsby/Scania "Her Kommer Det Ett Fedesvin..." (6). 9. Frolic "Hehu" (5). wild music 1. Nim/Sektlunch "27" (25). Larsby/THC "Carousell Free Ride" (25). 3. Clear Cuts "Rena Kuttar" (21). 4. GBD & JETT5 "Dalig Dag" (18). 5. Larsby/Scania "I H8 Jo All N Hope" (13). 6. Hi N Mity "Elektronisk Kärlek" (12). wild 1. Sektlunch "Gnu Song Kareoke" (52). 2. Phobia "Rödgrön Röra" (42). 3. Larsby/Scania "The Way of the Ostfralla" (22). 4. Goofy/Fractal Banana "Pong Power" (20). 5. GB Lord Olof/SolidChaos "Gabbastyleish" (17). 6. Buzz/Output "Stars" (11). gnu demo award Puterman / Civitas - Freedom