Movement '95

From ExoticA
24-25.12  Movement 95.
MOV95 was held at Barnea Community Center in Ashkelon, Israel for the pc
scene. It was the first ever party held in Israel, and naturally also the
first time Movement was arranged. There was no official arranger group,
instead it was arranged by sceners from several Israeli groups. There
community centre where it was arranged had three smaller halls available for
the party. There will also be a cafeteria, basketball and football courts
available. The only results file I've found was totally shitty, with only a
few entries listed. Thanks to Phoenix for helping me out.

· Information from 'Information File  Revision 2.02'.

pcdemo  1.  Esteem "Euphoria".
        2.  Falcor "Creation".
        3.  Unlimited Creations "Star Reach".
        4.  Centari "Flashback".
        5.  YOE "Climax".
        6.  Pulse "Pitango".

pcintro 1.  Moon Hunters "Doze".
        2.  n/a
        3.  Immortals "Insomnia".

other   Fatal Justice "Greetro" (pc).