South Sealand '96
From ExoticA
05-07.07 South Sealand Party 1996. ----------------------------------- SS96 was held at Iselinge Skolen in Vordingborg, Denmark, the same school as always. Amiga compo machine was 030-50 with fpu and 8mb fast. The music competition allowed contributions in multichannel formats. · Information from 'SOUTH SEALAND DEMO PARTY 1996 INVITATION', as published in Ethic's "X-Files issue #7". · Results from a resultfile by Bakerman/Depth. amdemo 1. Passion "Chronic" (106). 2. Ambrosia "Riverhouse LSD Mix" (103). 3. Haujobb "Burning Chrome" (76). 4. Puzzle "Ketogane" (62). 5. Gunnars Farvebio "Workbench 96 Plus" (57). 6. Impact DK "Tag" (48). 7. Depth "Vi Elsker Darkhawk" (31). 8. Depth "Puost - The Demo" (22) 9. Death Row "Flora Borntro" (18). 10. Dumle "The Three Amigas" (15). 11. Lgitt486 "Spacelamer" (14). 12. Giga Productions "Soma" (11). amintro 1. Rebels "64k" (174). 2. Artwork "Phi" (130). 3. Efreet "Deep Pan" (78). 4. Focus Design "Comaldåse" (66). 5. Loonies "Pilot i Tyskland" (22). 6. Moxxom "Raptor" (18). 7. Focus Design "Engine" (16). gfx 1. R.W.O "Nation 3" (79). 2. Deckard/Puzzle "Interactive" (60). 3. Lovelace "Diablo" (51). 4. Dr.Zulu/Giga Productions "Farewell" (48). 5. Folcka/Depth "Waterloue" (38). 6. Bird/Rebels "Breakthrough" (34). Tactica/Puzzle "Juy" (34). 8. Sanctum/Depth "Enter-TV" (33). 9. Eracore/Rebels "Pressure" (31). 10. Trayzr/Diagnosis "Cool" (28). 11. Wire/Rebels "Prison" (25). 12. Znorc/Impact DK "Smaa blaa damer" (19). 13. Guybrush/Passion "Phoenix returns" (17). 14. Hund/Depth "Rumhunden hersker" (16). 15. The Max/Interior "Pie tro beretta-92f" (16). 16. Relief/Puzzle "4-real" (13). 17. Ag-pris/Visage "Electrick kafe" (13). 18. Bifrost/Iris "Say cheese!" (13). 19. Trayzr/Diagnosis "Ill be back..." (8). 20. Trayzr/Loonies "Xtasi" (0). music 1. Unison/Impact DK "Nonconstruction" (55). 2. Trip/Depth "mental drain" (48). 3. Jazz/Haujobb "cyber^phunk" (40). 4. Kamakazi/Ambient "yogujette" (31). 5. Tricktrax/Puzzle "flat out!" (31). 6. Yogi "Goahelvedetil" (31). 7. Zoomorph/Fame "Selim Special" (29). 8. Tiny/Loonies "Oxyque" (25). 9. Noteman/Iris "Time stands still" (24). 10. Kollaps/Focus Design "Shanghai tjuhej" (22). 11. Cytron/Depth "Lassagne must die" (20). 12. Fuzzy/Death Row "Sugary funk" (18). 13. Antibrain/Bizarre Arts "sudden dream" (18). 14. Mazzachre/X-Stream "Sunlight" (18). 15. Relief/Puzzle "Splifplotations" (16). 16. Sasquatch/Diagnosis "Et in archmadia ego" (15). 17. Hille/Insanity "Fede fisk i flasken" (14). 18. Stressball/Iris "Antialias" (14). 19. Dizy/Depth "Mystical" (13). 20. Melomaniac "Twisted Cinema" (12). 21. Sector "Andante" (10). 22. Bifrost/Iris "Aah-zimbabweee.bft" (6). 23. Curt Cool/Depth "Prettier with age" (6). 24. Motive "Waves" (6). 25. Ping & Knof "Snotkatar" (4). 26. Argh "Knapsåkortbobler" (3). 27. Ramosa "Drukken-didderik" (2). gfx surprise 1. Colt,Sunman,Sgt.Beck/Nation "The Drink" (67). 2. Hund/Depth "Cocktail Coalition" (60). 3. Tactica/Puzzle "Lort Uden Arme" (58). 4. Znorc/Impact DK "Øl" (46). 5. Erra/Zaddo's Fanclub "Bilde-Sjov" (37). 6. Kollaps/Focus Design "Doughnut" (34). 7. Bifrost/Iris "Liquid" (32). 8. Gizmoduck/Depth "Briolasse" (29). 9. Hille/Insanity "Juice i Øret" (26). 10. Source/Giga Produktions "Mahoganytable" (26). 11. Opedion/Uld-i-Mund "Yumyum" (24). 12. Ulla/Depth "pik & patter" (22). music surprise 1. Tiny/Loonies "Surcombo" (88). 2. Tricktrax/Puzzle "Skod :)" (55). 3. Unison/Impact DK "Tilbud 14.95" (54). 4. Cytron/Depth "Lortelort" (48). 5. Curt Cool/Depth "Modulist" (38). 6. Yogi "Surprise (really!)" (35). 7. Hille/Insanity "Until I'm a Whopper" (29). 8. Noteman/Iris "Noteman-surprise" (27). 9. Antibrain/Bizarre Arts "Surprise ;-)" (26). other Accessible Player 2.11 (amiga util).