Spni-001 (1994, 28.12, AGA 40k Intro)
Review by Glenn Lunder
A nice little intro with three main effects. It opens with a 24 bit 4x4 display of a woman's face scrolling in all directions. Then there's an afterburned vector thingy before the concluding fireworks. This last effect is reminiscent of what Red Sector Inc. had in their classic MEGADEMO. Not at all bad...but too short, I guess.
tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Hovsa (1995, 28.12, AGA 4k Intro)
Review by Glenn Lunder
Short and quite sweet, this 4k'er consists of two good-looking effects. The first is a classic Keftales effect. We've seen it a thousand times, but it's still nice. The second is a sort of plasma-bitplane-scroll thing. You'll know it when you see it. Anyway, nice.
tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.