Spring Break '99

From ExoticA
02-04.04  Spring Break 99.
SB99 is to be held at the University of California, San Diego, USA by
Cataclysm and the Computer Multimedia Development Club at UCSD, and co-
sponsored by ASUCSD. This is the third time Spring Break will be held.
Just a little quote from 'facilities' in the invitation text, this is so
great: "We will not have showers, guarenteed dark, quiet and soft sleeping
areas, drugs and alcohol, or anywhere near an adequate supply of coke and
chips for you."  :)

· Information from invitiation, as published in Demojournal #25.
· Information from 'Spring Break 1999 Official Competition Results', as
  published in DemoJournal #34.

demo    1.  CSR "Loop" [linux] (114).
        2.  kRat "Entropy Increasing" [macintosh] (60).
        3.  Green Grapes "Not Foolish 2" [dos] (24).
        4.  Fusion Industries "Transitions" [dos] (12).
        5.  AdamMil "Bestdemo" (w/ realtime sound by dc5) [dos] (4).

intro   1.  dc5 "GUNremix" [dos] (123).
        2.  tpolm "Cyboman4" [dos] (18).

gfx     1.  JJJ, Jason, & Radman/ACiD "Our Futuretex".

anim    1.  Wes/Cataclysm "Depressed" (132).
        2.  Dominus/Fusion Industries "Ani" (15).

music   1.  beek/Process5/Green Grapes "Note Cuts and Fish Guts" (57).
        2.  Psibelius "Nova Soli" (47).
        3.  Rimbo/Cataclysm "kr4d 31337 d3m0 mUz4k" (43).
        4.  MOCHUNK "Flowers 4U" (33).
        5.  xlydr/illusive "Meat" (19).
        6.  Firestar "Infared" (6).
        7.  Decker "Torak" (1).

fast music
        1.  beek/Process5/Green Grapes "My People Call It Corn" (96).
        2.  phoenix/dc5 "i hate tracking" (49).
        3.  rayen/illusive "1498" (24).
        4.  gd/dc5 "east bay funk" (10).
        5.  Firestar "Hylafax" (2).

open music
        1.  Rimbo/Cataclysm "Tuesday" (57).
        2.  Rayen & xlydr/illusive "Project7" (51).
            rayen/illusive "No Strings Attached" (51).