Surprise! Productions/Reviews
Prism-Vectors (1991, 07.12, ECS File)
Review by Glenn Lunder
This is a welldesigned little intro/demo, much thanks to a couple of clearcut, yet simply elegant logos from Peachy. His soundtrack for this is not half bad either, if I may say so. It's very of its time - and probably heavily influcenced by "Cream of the Earth" - but as such it's not the worst example of the genre. Not bad. Oh, and I guess we haven't seen those prism vectors before either, have we? It's a minor variation on the standard glenz, really, but doesn't look too bad. This is more of an intro than a demo.
This was the first german S!P production, made while they were a TRSI subgroup. Also known as Bistro.
tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1. -- Note: Needs KillAGA.
Its Tricky (1992, .08, ECS File)
Review by Glenn Lunder
This S!P production features quite a lot of glenz vectors, though the most interesting thing about it is the graphics - there is some good work here. The demo was made while they were a Scoopex subdivision, and features a lot of Scoopex logos and the like. The music was used in an issue of World Charts too, and Uno's logo also looks familiar... Scoopex' homepage incorrectly claims that someone called Alias is the coder.
tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.