T.F.X - Tactical Fighter Experiment

From ExoticA
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Tactical Fighter Experiment
T.F.X box scan

Scan is part of ExoticA's Games Gallery. Click thumbnail for full image.
Composer(s) Barry Leitch
Keith Tinman
Dean Evans
Team(s) Ocean
Digital Image Design
Publisher(s) CU Amiga
Music Format(s) MED
Ogg Vorbis
Year published 1997

UnExoticA Music Files


Download archive Game/Leitch_Barry/T_F_X.lha
An additional tune is included, direct from the Barry who writes, "This tune was originally written for an Anarchy party in Sheffield which we attended, I eventually used the tune for TFX on the PC and they did intend an Amiga version but it never got used."

Barry reflects on his entry at the Anarchy Party, "...and they were having an audio competition, so I bust my balls writing that tune cos I was determined to beat off the competition.. When we got there there was about 8 people all within the Anarchy group all doing music, and they were all voting for each other, so it was well rigged..."

Though the game was never published by Ocean, CU Amiga were able to gain permission to include it on a coverdisc (CUCD15) in 1997.

Filename File Size Composer Game Year Team / Publisher
File List Indent v2.png Direct_from_Composer
File List Vertical v2.pngFile List End v2.png mod.anarchy.mod 248278 Barry Leitch T.F.X 1997 CU Amiga / Ocean / DID
File List Indent v2.png med.intro 239290 Barry Leitch T.F.X 1997 CU Amiga / Ocean / DID
File List Indent v2.png med.loader_1 51178 Barry Leitch & Keith Tinman T.F.X 1997 CU Amiga / Ocean / DID
File List Indent v2.png med.loader_2 70158 Barry Leitch & Keith Tinman T.F.X 1997 CU Amiga / Ocean / DID
File List End v2.png med.lose_life 80658 Barry Leitch & Keith Tinman T.F.X 1997 CU Amiga / Ocean / DID
Sunday 03 June 2001 (XtC): Added to collection
Monday 17 September 2001 (XtC): Added an extra tune.
Thursday 05 August 2004 (XtC): Replaced with more accurate rip.


Download archive Game/Leitch_Barry/T_F_X_CDDA.lha
These tracks are taken from the PC CD-ROM version and are the same tracks that were to be used for the CD³² version.

Thanks to Barry for his permission to include this soundtrack.

Filename File Size Composer Game Year Team / Publisher
File List Indent v2.png 02_ingame.ogg 8052979 Barry Leitch with Dean Evans T.F.X 1993 Ocean / Digital Image Design
File List Indent v2.png 03_ingame.ogg 7610829 Barry Leitch with Dean Evans T.F.X 1993 Ocean / Digital Image Design
File List Indent v2.png 04_ingame.ogg 8693141 Barry Leitch with Dean Evans T.F.X 1993 Ocean / Digital Image Design
File List Indent v2.png 05_ingame.ogg 7427641 Barry Leitch with Dean Evans T.F.X 1993 Ocean / Digital Image Design
File List Indent v2.png 06_ingame.ogg 7556980 Barry Leitch with Dean Evans T.F.X 1993 Ocean / Digital Image Design
File List Indent v2.png 07_ingame.ogg 7870116 Barry Leitch with Dean Evans T.F.X 1993 Ocean / Digital Image Design
File List Indent v2.png 08_ingame.ogg 9808561 Barry Leitch with Dean Evans T.F.X 1993 Ocean / Digital Image Design
File List Indent v2.png 09_ingame.ogg 7411262 Barry Leitch with Dean Evans T.F.X 1993 Ocean / Digital Image Design
File List Indent v2.png 10_ingame.ogg 2604817 Barry Leitch with Dean Evans T.F.X 1993 Ocean / Digital Image Design
File List End v2.png 11_ingame.ogg 2607321 Barry Leitch with Dean Evans T.F.X 1993 Ocean / Digital Image Design
Monday 19 May 2008 (XtC): Taken from the PC CD-ROM version.
Friday 20 February 2009 (XtC): Was missing internal folder.

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