
From ExoticA

Sinerast Intro (1989, ECS Intro)

Review by Glenn Lunder

Now here's a novel idea: moving rasters! Ok, ok - I'm a bit too harsh here, perhaps, but this is ANOTHER intro from Exodus where I feel he's just going through the motions, covering old ground. In addition to the aforementioned background rasters, there's a single bitplane logo (with more raster color in it) and a simple scroll across the nether regions of the screen. So routine it hurts.

tested FEL /000-7 /2mb chip, 0mb fast/3.1.

Vector Intro (1991, ECS Intro)

Review by Glenn Lunder

Another typical intro of its time; sidescrolling starfield has a spinning vector logo on it, and a scroller at the bottom of the screen. Nothing we haven't seen before. Made by Timecircle for Taipan. The release date is based on text in memory, no date is given in the intro.

tested FEL /000-7 /2mb chip, 0mb fast/3.1.

Zoom Intro (1991, ECS Intro)

Review by Glenn Lunder

This intro receives its name because of its zooming scroller across the middle of the screen. There is a Taipan logo on top, and two bbs numbers at the bottom, both overlaid on spinning red chessboards. This is a pretty ordinary intro, with nothing exceptional to recommend it over others. There's a million of these out there. Made by Timecircle for Taipan. The release date is based on text in memory, no date is given in the intro.

While the intro graphically worked fine under UAE, the sound was pretty fucked up. The music is in SoundMon format, meaning it's chip-based rather than using samples, and UAE may have bigger problems emulating this than simple samples? Sound and graphics were fine under Fellow.

tested UAE /000-7 /2mb chip, 0mb fast/3.1 -- Note: See review! FEL /000-7 /2mb chip, 0mb fast/3.1.