Takeover 2001 - A Takeover Odyssey

From ExoticA
          Takeover 2001 - A Takeover Odyssey.
TO01 was held in The Netherlands.

· Results from file marked 'preliminary results v1.0'.

demo    1.  Cocoon "Glon 243" (172).
        2.  Science "Intraday" (70).
        3.  Jar, Deload/Science "Resurrection" (68).
        4.  Colas Anhk Zixaq/Move "Antisectic" (64).
        5.  Anduril, Sabre2th, Voltath/AiR "Ykzi" (54).
        6.  Farbrausch "FR-09: Goldrausch" (44).
        7.  Chaos/Farbrausch "FR-minus-02: Ah" (42).
        8.  Colas, Brioche, Gedeon/Aspirine "Destroy The Unappropriate
              Enemies" (38).
        9.  Bälle, Blöckchen und Knödl/Bahnhoff Einhundertsechzig
              "Baustelle 2001" (14).

64k     1.  Bypass "Shrooms" (144).
        2.  Inque "Helix" (118).
        3.  Mnemonix, Wosh, Silence, The Yeti/Kaleido "The KaleidoScopic
              Circus" (113).
        4.  Antoche & RedRibbon / N/A & Mandarine "ASCII4Ever Again" (102).
        5.  BezurK, Pippi, Andyk/BroekHoest Inc. "Void" (64).

4k      1.  Pazazzo "J4Z 4k Intro" (70).
        2.  Sharky/Virtual Neurality "Straight" (63).

browser demo
        1.  Error323/ReDoX "Omega Interactive" (86).
        2.  Scress and Bassie/Active Interactive "Phat Frenzy" (69).
        3.  Berzerker/Okkie/Tentacle "Troublemakers" (58).
        4.  Evil Knieval/Tentacle "D Project" (52).
            Black Maiden "Die Blumenkinder" (52).
        6.  Daniel Barton aka Goeb/RotA "Voyager" (40).
        7.  Gasbag/D-Coy "Look-mommy-I-made-this-in-less-than-five-minutes"
        8.  Pazazzo "Gentics Demo" (30).
        9.  Aancsiid/Dog "Flash" (22).

gfx     1.  Critikill/Farbrausch "Stunning Scener" (18).
        2.  Mirage/Domage "Intelligence" (15).
        3.  Berzerker/Tentacle "Touched by Death" (12).
        4.  Arancia & Peachy/Haujobb & Scoopex "Froschkoenig" (10).
        5.  Link-D/Loopymind "Augmentation" (8).
            Defiance/Clan RotA "Beast" (8).
        7.  Shortie/Jolly "Wow, What A Big Thingy!" (6).
        8.  Bookie-Chan/TUHB/Tanuki-Studio "Vash" (5).
        9.  Manon/De Brasserie "Er was eens een..." (4).
            Bubbha/Virtual Neurality "Trepanation is a choice you know" (4).
            Lowlife/TBL "Tropicana (Takeover Edition)" (4).
        12. Robotriot/skp "Holde Maid" (3).
            CP/Farbrausch "Eve and the Finchyardmen" (3).
            Link-D/Loopymind "Augmentation" (3).
        15. Lawine/Rectum Cauda nl "Zelfportret" (2).
            Cunnilingus/rECTUM cAUDA "Lafeendje" (2).
            Noko/Phantasy "Greet The Sacred Cow" (2).
            Sinister "Doornroosje" (2).
        19. Zomer/No Attitude "Ice" (1).
        20. Goeb/RotA "Disco Dancing" (0).
            Prophet "Igor" (0).
            Darmluft2/Die Darmluft 2 "Kein Scheiss" (0).
            Eface/Doq "Dark Group" (0).
            Tomic/Bypass "Strike! - Bypass Engineers Bowling" (0).
            Coronach/TwistedPair "SpaceSchip" (0).
            Smoke/ECFh "Donkey Squeeky With Sunny Yellow Thing (oldschool)"

raytrac 1.  Magicboy/Superstition "Fishy Fishy" (70).
        2.  Screes/RBi Studios "Project02B, render48" (56).
        3.  Daijto/Tuhb "Their Luck Will Change" (54).
        4.  Xavier/Orbital Fusion "To2K+1 Memory" (53).
        5.  Sniff/Alacrity "CuBE" (36).
        6.  Lawine/Rectum Cauda nl "Een Stel Zegmaar...bomen ofzo." (35).
        7.  ThePriest/Virtual Neurality "EyE say: This is the last time Eye
              say!" (26).

music   1.  Chromag/Haujobb "Dadoob" (66).
        2.  Ravity/Solar "Equilibrium" (41).
        3.  JCO/Die Wissenden "Chill" (37).
        4.  GM Vision & No-XS "Yesterday" (36).
        5.  Dhg/Unik "Loveplane Specials" (32).
        6.  Okkie/RBi Studios "Plink, Plunk, Ploink" (30).
        7.  Avalanche/S!P & Kibosh & Tleilaxu "Evolution of a Stranger" (22)
            Bossanova Brothers/Domino's "Answering Machine" (22).
        9.  MAC2/TUIG "This Generation" (16).

house   1.  Redribbon/Mandarine "KenZa LoL !" (55).
        2.  Skyrunner "SparX of Blue" (52).
        3.  Med/Jecoute "DOUBOOM" (43).
        4.  Jay/RBi Studios "Intensity (Rhyme and Beats)" (42).
        5.  Electo Mosquito/Oryx "Circalactic" (40).
        6.  Spears/De Brasserie "The Russian Game" (37).
        7.  JCO/Die Wissenden "Countdown" (29).
            Daxx909/D-Coy "Outer Space" (29).
        9.  CJ/Splatt Records "Techno Memories" (26).
        10. BezurK/Rewind Music "Wokkels zijn lekker!" (23).

mp3     1.  Crystal Score/The Black Lotus "Son of Uluru" (44).
        2.  Chromag/Haujobb "We Believe" (37).
        3.  JCO/Die Wissenden "Spaceflight" (28).
        4.  Jay/RBi Studios "Mankind to Dust" (26).
        5.  Cyrex/Fusion Music Crew "Forgotten Dreams" (21).
        6.  Skyrunner "Turning Point" (20).
            No-XS "Flight of the Eagle" (20).
            Med/Jecoute "ArmyMed Back 2 the Freestyle" (20).
            Screes/RBi Studios "Destination Goa" (20).
        10. Neo/RBi Studios "He's Gone" (19).
        11. Bud!/RBi Studios "Western Fever" (16).
        12. Cosmic Trance/Fusion Music Crew "The Deep" (14).
            Avalanche/S!P & Kibosh & Tleilaxu "I Never Saw The Sun" (14).
            DiGiSTORM & Witsflow/No Attitude "Vision of Futility" (14).
            Dr.Acud/MOM "Behind You In The Dark" (14).
            Case/Ignorance "Das Boot" (14).
            Elmar, The Peric, AppelZAP/Superstition "Energy of Love" (14).
        18. Low Profile/Engine Software "Space Reflections" (12).
            GM Vision "Remember Your Name" (12).
        20. DJ's DV & BK/Barisart "Bruisend Mineraalwater" (9).
        21. Delerious/RBi "Alternate" (8).
        22. Otis/Infuse Project "glTrancelatef" (5).
        23. DJ Benoit Merde "French People Piss Me Off" (4).
        24. DJ Lafpad ft Anita M./PEER (ruleer) "Keep The Wheel on Turning
              (approved by plek mix)" (2).
        25. Diz-X & Scorpion/Wnp & Fsn "Projections" (0).

anim    1.  Superstition "First Day" (86).
        2.  Ralph 'Ritual' Rademakers/Clan RotA "The Alien Menace" (74).
        3.  o.a. GeC/Starfaker (school) "Waknousie" (56).
        4.  Goeb & Deth/Clan RotA "Rust In Vree, Goede Vrind" (50).
        5.  JCO/Die Wissenden "Robots" (44).
        6.  Havoc, Zoidberg/Eliteposse "ep-sp" (40).
        7.  Lone, Deebee, Witsflow/No Attitude "Woei! Meuk" (38).
            Prayer/ROTA "Metacolagic" (38).
        9.  Lawine/Rectum Cauda nl "rC! preview van toekomstige producten"
        10. Rectum Cauda nl "Automobielmageddon" (26).
        11. Verty & BenV/JuNe "No More" (24).
        12. T1000 & Juerd "The Final Countdown" (22).
        13. PQ "Campzone Promotion" (16).

surprise coding
        1.  Paladin "Windows Program" (5).
        2.  Seven "e.com" (4).
        3.  Skal & Hulud/Bomb & Digital Murder "Ca envoie du bois!" (3).
        4.  Nutfreak/Freedom Systems "Kintro" (2).
        5.  Dallasen "Jah" (1).
        6.  Mindcrash "whatareyoudoing?" (0).
            Daxx909/D-Coy "What!.exe" (0).
            Sharky-/Virtual Neurality "Predict" (0).

surprise gfx
        1.  PoSeidon/Insane "The Dawn of Man" (5).
        2.  Critikill/Farbrausch & Scenic "Stanley 'binary' kubrick" (4).
        3.  GeC & Smoke / GIVE= & ECFh "Dave" (3).
        4.  Bubbha/Virtual Neurality "Damn" (2).
        5.  Gek "Engwege2" (1).
        6.  Avalanche/Surprise! "ja, wat doen die twee schilderijen daar
              verdomme?" (0).

surprise music
        1.  Morph, Sjaak, Okkie and Arc "And er Schöne Blauwe Donau" (5).
        2.  Skyrunner "Extreme Donauing" (4).
        3.  Goeb/RotA "Lam" (3).
        4.  Dynamike/Critical "2001 Space Gabbersey" (2).
        5.  DaBug/Scenetrippers!/D-Coy "BURP!" (1).