I am proposing that we have the equivalent of HVSC's STIL for UnExoticA - which I've provisionally named UTIL.
Example Format
############################################################################## # # UTIL v2007-09-08 - UnExoticA Tune Information List (Sat Sep 8 2007) # # If you want to contribute to the UTIL, read the UTIL.faq first. # Questions, comments? See the UTIL FAQ for details. # # The latest version of the UTIL is always available at: # # # ############################################################################## # # ABOUT THIS VERSION OF THE 'UTIL': # # - First version, crowd goes wild! # ############################################################################## ### /Demo/ ################################################################### ### /Demo/Frick_Richard/ ##################################################### /Demo/Frick_Richard/The_Final_Condom/ PRODUCT: The Final Condom TEAM: Delon Design RELEASED: Assembly '94 FORMAT: Protracker YEAR: 1994 /Demo/Frick_Richard/The_Final_Condom/mod.abs! roll'em up!!! ARTIST: Richard Frick COMMENT: The is the 'main tune' and is based on Vanilla Ice's "Roll 'em up". /Demo/Frick_Richard/The_Final_Condom/mod.colourline ARTIST: Abstract COMMENT: This is the 'endpart tune' and is a cover of MAXX's "Get-A-Way". ### /Demo\ ################################################################### ### /Game/ ################################################################### ### /Game/Daglish_Ben/ ####################################################### /Game/Daglish_Ben/Passing_Shot/ ARTIST: Ben Daglish PRODUcT: Passing Shot TEAM: Teque Software Development RELEASED: Image Works FORMAT: Benn Daglish YEAR: 1988 /Game/Daglish_Ben/Passing_Shot/bd.Passing_Shot (#5) TITLE: Title music. ### /Game/Tel_Jeroen/ ######################################################## /Game/Tel_Jeroen/Agony/*.* ARTIST: Jeroen Tel PRODUcT: Agony TEAM: Art & Magic RELEASED: Psygnosis FORMAT: Art & Magic and Custom YEAR: 1992 COMMENT: All ingame music. Thanks to MORB for the Custom versions. Also included is the "Art & Magic" DeliPlayer. ### /Game/Wright_Tim/ ######################################################## /Game/Wright_Tim/Agony/*.* ARTIST: Tim Wright, Franck Sauer, Martin Wall, Robert Ling, Matthew Simmonds, Martin Iveson, Allister Brimble and Unknown TITLE: Agony TEAM: Art & Magic RELEASED: Psygnosis FORMAT: Custom, Protracker and NoiseTracker YEAR: 1992 COMMENT: Music credited as Tim Wright (Title), Franck Sauer (Co-Composed Title), Martin Wall (Loader and Game End), Robert Ling (Co-Composed Loader and Game End), Matthew Simmonds (Loader), Martin Iveson (Loader), Allister Brimble (Unused) and Unknown (Intro). The composer credits are taken directly from the ingame credits and from the game manual. Both list Allister Brimble as a loading music composer. Although Allister did compose one piece for this game, it was not used. The unused section is all the music from the 1991 rolling demo. Also included are two original tunes, one unused, direct from Tim Wright, who says, "Although I did write Beast II first, Agony was released first. So this was my 'maiden voyage' into published works, back in good old 1992." /Game/Wright_Tim/Agony/Direct_from_Composer/mod.agony intro COMMENT: Interestingly, the version of the intro theme I've got here is the original version. 'What?' - yep, this is the original tune with the original samples. Y'see, when I sent the tune off for inclusion in the game a chap [Franck Sauer] changed the piano sounds for better ones. However one of them was at the wrong octave - I didn't find out until it hit the shelves, so it's always sounded wrong to me. Here's the real version. If you'd like to hear a cover version of the ['incorrect'] Agony Intro theme, then get hold of a copy of Stormblast (1996) by Dimmu Borgir. There's a track on there called "Sorgens Kammer" and it's a blatant rip-off of my music. I have contacted them, but they just give me excuses, and it's not worth suing them for the pennies I'd get back - oh well, life sucks! (Tim Wright) /Game/Wright_Tim/Puggsy/ ARTIST: Tim Wright TITLE: Puggsy TEAM: Travellers Tales and The Dome RELEASED: Psygnosis FORMAT: StarTrekker and Protracker YEAR: 1993 /Game/Wright_Tim/Puggsy/Puggs_in_Space_Demo/*.* COMMENT: As a bonus, included is the complete soundtrack from the "Puggs in Space Demo" by Dionysus in 1989, freshly memory ripped! ...that was my first ever full on demo. I did the music and believe it or not, all the SFX in soundtracker(!) Doing the SFX was terrible guesswork, but it turned out OK in the end... (Tim Wright) /Game/Wright_Tim/Puggsy/mod.super game finished TITLE: mod.main part [from the demo Puggs in Space] (2:06) COMMENT: Tribute to the original demo music. ### /Game\ ################################################################### ### END OF UTIL ### ############################################################################## ## ## #### ## ####### ### ##### ### ## ## ## ############ ## ###### ### ## ### ##### ### ## ######### ### #### ###### #### ############ ## #### # ## ## ### ##### ### ## ####### ### #### ###### #### ############ ## ###### ### ## ### ##### ### ## ######### ### #### ###### #### ############ ## ## #### ## ####### ### ########## ##### #### ## ######## ##############################################################################
Provisional Usage
I've used the STIL format (since it works), but with a some minor tweaks (tm).
STIL doesn't contain the name of the game/demo or publishing details because it is contained in the SID itself. We don't have that luxury with the LhA archives, unless you can put a comment in an archive like you can with a ZIP archive? So I've provisionally created a field called PRODUCT: which is the full name of the game or demo along with other relevant field names. We can't use TITLE: as that is for quoting the name of another game, demo, film, studio album to which the current PRODUCT: borrows material from.
We can create global comments for a composer like the STIL
/Game/Follin_Tim/ COMMENT: Youngest of the three Follin brothers. See also Geoff Follin. Mike Follin writes, "Back in the good old days I wrote a few music drivers - the programs that allowed Tim & Geoff to produce their music - but I never really did any actual composition."
We can create global comments for a game or demo like the STIL
/Game/Brimble_Allister/Ultimate_Body_Blows_CDDA COMMENT: Thanks to Allister for his permission to include these in the archive. The audio tracks were taken from the 'Ultimate Body Blows / Project X' compilation CD since the original release of 'Ultimate Body Blows' had corruption on some audio tracks.
We can create details for an individual file
/Demo/Frick_Richard/The_Final_Condom/mod.colourline ARTIST: Abstract COMMENT: This is the 'endpart tune' and is a cover of MAXX's "Get-A-Way".
We can create details for a subsong of an individual file
/Game/Daglish_Ben/Passing_Shot/bd.Passing_Shot (#5) TITLE: Title music.
Manual or Automatic
Should something like this be maintained by hand, or generated automatically?
If auto, should we be creating a second text file to contain this extra information, such as: -
- /Game/Daglish_Ben/
- Passing_Shot.lha
- Passing_Shot.nfo
- Passing_Shot.png
- Passing_Shot.txt