The Gathering '99

From ExoticA
31.3-4.4  The Gathering 99 (
TG99 was held at Vikingskipet in Hamar, Norway. The pc accelerated 3d demo
and c64 demo competitions were cancelled, since there were no entries.

· Results from file marked 't h e   g a t h e r i n g   1 9 9 9
  p r e l i m i n a r y   r e s u l t s', as published in Demojournal #33.

amdemo  1.  Spaceballs "Supermonster" (1677).
        2.  Ephidrena "Flux" (1359).
        3.  Da Jormas "Ulsteri" (609).
        4.  Apathy "SBS" (428).
        5.  Strife/Apathy "Groovery" (297).

am64k   1.  Spaceballs "Fusion is no good for me" (1879).
        2.  Da Jormas "Sundance" (1657).
        3.  Apathy "Pretty fly" (1271).

am4k    1.  Exploder/Extreme "Freedom" (3106).
        2.  cHauple/Contraz "Blues" (2035).
        3.  SLEM/Baseballs "Vinner" (1461).

pcdemo  1.  INF "Yume 2000 - (Future World Mix)" (928).
        2.  The Lost Souls "III - live tomorrow" (554).
        3.  Phrenetics "Syv-Seks" (361).
        4.  Soopa Doopa "Okiedokie" (329).
        5.  Digital Artists "encode/decode: papers on graphical outbut"
        6.  Replay "In the mix" (228).
        7.  rECTUM CAUDA "Happy Hardcore" (216).
        8.  Ramalama "Colars" (167).
        9.  Spetsnaz "Crash Boom Bang" (148).
        10. Proxima (133).
        11. Zien/Nocturnal "Horison 4k" (120).

pc64k   1.  Purple "Public Demand" (1025).
        2.  Kooma "Ro bottby" (773).
        3.  Paranoids "Absolute" (558).
        4.  Replay "Catch 22" (530).
        5.  Soopa Doopa "Hardboiled" (482).
        6.  S.M.B.D.Y. "ceREAL" (295).

pc4k    1.  Digimind "Animal Planet" (1485).
        2.  DecIP "Decip" (792).

java    1.  Digital Nerds "Lucid Dream" (1212).
        2.  Prone "Cayenne" (1018).
        3.  Esa Type & Sir Ed. B. "tyyny" (806).

gfx     1.  tmk/iNF^dolphin "Blue" (925).
        2.  Inferno "Where is my fish flavored BOCI chocolate?" (576).
        3.  Orome "Mech" (573).
        4.  Jan "Bikkje Faen" (374).
        5.  samsam "Spiritus" (295).
        6.  Cheetah "Peace" (284).
        7.  EvilEye and Janitor "Free Kevin" (252).
        8.  Zack/Spaceballs and Endzeit "Xperiment" (249).
        9.  MuadDib "Indian" (219).
        10. pix and allanon "Babyrobot" (210).
        11. Charlatan "Lars" (164).
        12. Trotzdem Gern "Fairy -the return of the evil hi-jackers from
              outter space" (140).
        13. Lusma "Selvportrett" (132).

raytrac 1.  Dr3d "Bountyhunter" (670).
        2.  3D Addict "Bounty Hunter" (535).
        3.  flail & ICEbeer "Severed thumbs on white plate" (384).
        4.  Orome "3d Landscape" (345).
        5.  Tizit "Water" (271).
        6.  Superted/Deviant "Bathroom Diverse" (266).
        7.  FelixnGrim "Easter 99" (250).
        8.  Crippler "Alien Death" (193).
            Maestro "Out Hunting" (193).
        10. Punkture "CHEVROLETTE" (185).
        11. Grim-Beaper "Exploring a new world" (149).
        12. Connector "Evening Mood" (149).
        13. Almighty "Puma" (124).
        14. Afarensius "Birdie" (81).
        15. Cyclone "TunnelRush" (80).
        16. Beldor "Crybroom" (58).

4chmus  1.  Rolex/Depth and Massive "Kamelon" (303).
        2.  Goose "Thinker" (274).
        3.  Maktone/Superstars & Class & X-Pression & Defacto2 "Polly Was A
            Cracker" (266).
        4.  Duckhunter/Spaceballs "Headless" (259).
        5.  Tecon "Dagen Derpå" (255).
        6.  Zixaq "Able to get unstable" (240).
        7.  System Halted "Beat by Bit" (210).
        8.  GloomWing "Ancient Mountains" (196).
        9.  Atom "Imploding" (187).
        10. xhale/DCS "komin" (185).
        11. Faction "Anarchy" (185).
        12. Deetsay (97).

multich 1.  g00ber "anticipations -tg99" (423).
        2.  GalMann "Fisk er KJEMPEGODT!!!" (337).
        3.  Bissm "Cheese and Hammond" (332).
        4.  Gloom & Trenedy "Faith" (311).
        5.  Cosmo "back stage in eden" (302).
        6.  Dj-AbN0rM "Jau" (285).
        7.  Scheme "The Golden Leaf" (272).
        8.  Woober "Carius" (248).
        9.  Vision "Struggle" (227).
        10. Zixaq "flyung asreonaunts" (217).
        11. Redrum "Thru Atmosphere" (149).
        12. xhale "konsise" (133).

high quality music
        1.  Antastal "Sudden Trip Back Home" (329).
        2.  Heywood "Energy!" (256).
        3.  Greffin "Distant Dreams" (232).
        4.  bumP "fusion, impossible" (155).
        5.  mrkeen "Unknown" (145).
        6.  DJ Joshi "Houseparty" (136).
        7.  Carebear "Trumpets" (124).
        8.  WERTOr "Deadline" (122).
        9.  Superted/Deviant "The Face" (115).
        10. Chronicle "Far more advanced" (112).
        11. Snabben "V6" (102).
        12. PsychoFreud "FAT" (92).

fast music
        1.  Gainx & Madhi "Destination Kajaani" (66).
        2.  Kezoomer "Ich bin eine pingel-bungel?" (38).
        3.  2645 "Gunnar med sleiv" (32).
        4.  flash.m "hymn to eightys too late porn" (26).
        5.  Mutant & Faction "Ritz kjekz" (19).
        6.  MasterMike "Crap" (16).
        7.  C-Zar "Ypper Du Dunk?" (14).
            Oxygener/Superstars "My Beaver Is Funky" (14).
        9.  Hmmm "DayDream" (12).
        10. GalMann "Sliten og Trøtt på en liksom psykidelisk måte" (11).
            Chronicle "24:th Street" (11).
        12. Bissm^flock "Audio il tempo gigante" (10).
        13. Ecalypso "Weird Stuff" (7).
            ZAiKiCK "Snurp Igjen Schmella" (7).
            C-Zar "Ypper Du Dunk?" (7).
            Phobium "lavalampe boogie" (7).
        17. FantaProd "Redco" (5).
            Snax "opp og ned med henda wimpy" (5).
            shere khan "timeless" (5).
            Shagma "Piano Noise" (5).
            Slicemaster "FastMusic Entry" (5).
        22. Leon "The Rythm" (0).
            Jelly "fastsong" (0).
            Knert "Sleepwalkers fate" (0).
            Ecalypso "weird stuff" (0).
            onkelAFRO "Leverpostei" (0).
            Knert "Sleepwalkers Fate" (0).
            Error1 "Fort&Gµli" (0).
            OmS "Funk" (0).
            Greffin "Easy Jazz" (0).
            Icon "Looking At A Dog Named Tg" (0).
            Starfish & Dent/Nocturnal "Bedre enn ikkeno" (0).
            Scheme "Strangeberry" (0).
            Oxygener/Superstars "My Beaver Is Funky" (0).
            Snerta "TripWire" (0).
            WERTOr "stress" (0).
            Goose "inspice" (0).
            Jukebox "Instant Funk" (0).
            Redrum "Nostalgic Dreams" (0).
            Vision "Rush" (0).
            Zixaq "Astronasty" (0).
            g00ber "two steps ahead" (0).
            deSilva "Return of Boredom" (0).
            Kezoomer/TLS "smacks honnikorn i pose" (0).
            Exsub "Kongesang" (0).
            Ida "Ugle-Amokk 2.0 - Extended Edit" (0).

oldskool slideshow
        1.  Anders Johannson "eg   Fare" (330).
        2.  Da Stealers "Kool Skool" (319).

anim    1.  Phobic "Legoland" (4150).
        2.  thrID "rebel" (1251).
        3.  Snillfisk, dryet and Flipside "Jiverium - Casino Insanity 2"
        4.  Destination Animation "...en animasjon av god kvalitet" (628).

fast intro
        1.  TLS ft. ELQ "Cucumber Overdos" (2165).
        2.  cHauple/Contraz "NN-Myter og Fakta" (938).
        3.  GP "agurk" (787).
        4.  NemeZis/TAOD "Cucumber Madness" (536).
        5.  Urban Fanatics "Nightmare" (424).
        6.  Slemmy/NN "Fass" (394).