Volcanic 5

From ExoticA
19-21.02  Volcanic 5 (http://www.volcanicparty.com).
VOL99 was held in France by Mentasm.

· Results from resultfile, as published in Demojournal #28.
· Results from file marked 'Volcanic Party 5 Results (15 firsts of each ..

demo    1.  Orange Juice "Past" (318).
        2.  Digital Murder "Jump4" (238).
        3.  Popsy Team "Mind's Evolution" (97).
        4.  Zalem "End of Millenium" (93).
        5.  Ukonx "Diamond Quest" (92).
        6.  Rezzoteurs "The Rabbit Warrior" (69).
        7.  Knights "Fifth" (64).
        8.  Kiki Prods "Ze Sonde Park" (58).
        9.  HCL "The MP Project" (55).
        10. Fissa "Go To Beach" (44).
        11. Pulp Function "Troll Story" (36).
        12. Caladox "Influence" (30).
            BMK "La Moukat" (30).
        14. JFF "Max" (29).
        15. Fairy Tale "Foam & Swell" (28).
        16. Condense "Dash" (25).
            Shagreen "TFC" (25).
        18. Mankind "Boyz in Wind" (20).
            Naa "Darkness" (20).
        20. Kalil Korp "Faery Dreams" (18).
        21. MDR "My First" (18).
        22. Netzone "Fly Tiger" (12).
        23. GOA "The Bintro Dreams" (3).

intro   1.  Orange Juice "Amigold" (300).
        2.  Mankind "Super Pocket" (276).
        3.  Spaceballs "N2O" (232).
        4.  Mentasm "Toeube" (182).

gfx     1.  Made/Bomb "Pure" (378).
        2.  Taggy/Debut "Zboom Da Bass" (130).
        3.  Hardfire/Spaceballs "Filoptenone" (127).
        4.  Moxica/Department22 "Anima" (97).
        5.  Zone/PSK & Arf!Studios "saturnePointOrf" (89).
        6.  Zaac/Ramses "Vrij" (84).
        7.  Sicca "Sulfureuse" (77).
        8.  Bat/Fissa "Pills" (74).
        9.  Lord Abdul/Nimportnawak "Kheops" (61).
        10. Oval/Farenheit "Laetitia" (60).
        11. Art Man "Buffy contre les vampires" (58).
        12. Juan/Greuh "Vool" (55).
        13. Nytrik/Cocoon "Gel4" (54).
        14. Pegasus/Dark Legend "Kervala" (53).
        15. Mitch/Zalem "Ensorceleuse" (52).
        16. Waka/Kromozom "Lapinou" (48).
        17. Kalson & Abel/Ramses "Demon-he" (47).
        18. Michael J.Power/Intense "Planka" (40).
        19. Leo/logik "Major" (39).
        20. Nytrik & NTSC/Cocoon "Vpartjoin3" (38).
        21. Fra & Hao/Pipo "Maximum Repompe" (29).
        22. Sawlege + Useless/Anta Tribe "Fishy" (28).
            Danube/HCL-Mobe "Nafs" (28).
        24. Sunrise "Dincompo" (23).
        25. Trashman & Erk/Intense "Gfx Compo" (22).
            Mame/naa "Vamp" (22).
        27. Dlyr/MDR "Dlyr" (21).
            Kazimir "Volcanic Rulez" (21).
            Grenat/Mankind "Godmickey" (21).
        30. Anthony/Pulse "Joelekid" (19).
            Azatoth/Fake Passe "Rona" (19).
        32. Voodley/Amiga Forever "Violator" (13).
        33. Panda/MDR "P@nda" (12).
        34. Exocet/JFF "Suicide" (11).
        35. Will Be "wb-dino" (10).
        35. Kat "Mars" (7).
            Flure/Dev-X Software "rvb24bit" (7).
        37. EDD/Macrohard "Macrohard Edd" (6).

raytrac 1.  Alexx "Rollerball" (391).
        2.  Hellmut "Funny Place" (348).
        3.  Fra/Pipo "Le Golem" (230).
        4.  Rarald/Newgen "Volcanic Rulez" (116).
        5.  Yannus Stark/Bmk "Lion" (95).
        6.  Le Coyotte "Unreal Skate" (87).
        7.  Alias/Digital Murder "Vanites" (82).
        8.  Long "Peli le pecheur" (64).
        9.  Ben/Naa "Narval" (62).
        10. Spad/Pipo "Mouse Birth" (55).
        11. Zack "Different World" (51).
        12. Neway/Graphe Phoenix "Reve d'eau" (44).
        13. Starox/Loyik "Condor" (38).
        14. Flure/Dev-X Software "Bosanovarf" (16).
        15. Bart "Teeth" (16).

music   1.  Hiscan/BMK "Volcanic Rulez" (165).
        2.  Lluvia/Bomb "Find the Light" (130).
        3.  Traven/Syndrome "Traven Pocket" (116).
        4.  Pulsium/Zalem "End of Millenium" (86).
        5.  Hardfire/Spaceballs "Cotton Blade" (83).
        6.  Maf/Silicon "Maf Land" (79).
        7.  Mr.Young/Silicon "Definitively House" (73).
        8.  Towerx/Astral "Dark Galaxy" (72).
            Redribbon "Fat Jenny Groove" (72).
        10. Moloiv/Nosksha "Return to Silence" (58).
        11. Mr.T/Move "Fatal Beauty" (56).
        12. Will Be "Mrs Latina Dancing" (54).
        13. Kalachnikov "Transit" (51).
        14. NKO/DIM4 "Eklips" (47).
        15. Benji/JFF "Jff-Rage" (43).
        16. BNA/Nimportnawak "Trop de Base" (41).
        17. Torone "Believe in Wind" (35).
        18. Alien "Herdub" (22).
            Omkh "Mahdiat" (22).
        20. Med "Jami" (17).
        21. Macal/Mokh "Slow & Low" (14).

anim    1.  FGP/Lucius Magia "Le Lapin" (475).
        2.  Soopl "Elytre" (380).
        3.  Vodoo Team "Vodoo" (267).
        4.  Karg Glou & Kalkindo/Tcl "Glou!" (120).
        5.  n/a "Coyotte" (89).
        6.  Team Vg@ "Another story of penguin" (64).
        7.  Antony/Pulse "We know who shot Kennedy" (41).
        8.  Stephan Malherbe "Chip-7" (32).
        9.  Pipo "Volcanic Rulez" (25).
        10. Recycled "The first" (19).

wild    1.  Opossum "Rax' Attack" (404).
        2.  Lucius Magia "Boucherie" (153).
        3.  3Dstudent "Agence Tous Risques Next Generation" (134).
        4.  Shagreen "La vie secrete des chaises" (70).
            Recycled "Win World War" (70).

fastgfx 1.  Starfox/Abeille.

        1.  Flure.

        1.  Hiscan/BMK.

        1.  Silex/Vortex.

fastweb 1.  Rez/Eclipse.