Wired '95
From ExoticA
03-05.11 Wired '95. -------------------- WIR95 was held by Antares, Imphobia and TFL-TDV for the PC scene. This was probably the second Wired arranged, following the previous year. · Results from a file by Darkness/Imphobia marked 'final results'. invit Imphobia "Wired 95 Invitation" (pc). pcdemo 1. Valhalla "Solstice" (590). 2. Legend Design "Just" (304). 3. Purge "Phenotype" (286). 4. Realtech "Countdown" (169). 5. Olympus "Ulysse 31" (81). 6. NWB "Escape" (59). 7. Fatal Justice "Conviction" (55). 8. Amable "Duplo" (50). 9. TFL-TDV "Hurtless" (26). 10. Spirit "Objection" (24). 11. Insomnia "Sleepless Night" (20). 12. Fuel "Naft" (16). 13. Kloon "Hue Cochonne" (15). 14. Cathedral - Digital Labs "?" (13). 15. The Natives "Regulate" (11). 16. ORP "Trial" (1). 17. HCL "First Demo" (0). pc64k 1. KLF "Magic Carpet" (735). 2. Epsilon "Autumn" (455). 3. Massive "Flexible" (156). 4. Kloon "Obez" (129). 5. Digital House "Traka" (85). 6. Realtime "No Limit" (75). pc4k 1. Epsilon "Lion" (265). 2. Cathedral - Digital Labs "Silence of the Labs" (157). 3. Realtime "FLI" (145). 4. Crap "?" (35). 5. Tx "Anarchy" (26). 6. Insomnia "World Object" (23). gfx 1. Peachy/Masque "Indian Queen" (129). 2. Sky/Xography & Legend Design "Hope's Day" (72). 3. Cider/N-Factor "Foothead" (69). 4. Jms/Peanuts "Sterme Machden" (68). 5. Penguin "Pinguin" (61). 6. Haplo/Zuul Design "Starlette" (52). 7. Tenshy & Shocker/Kloon "Strange Bondage" (45). Gladstone/Keen Like Frogs (45). 9. Ingenius/Cathedral "Duckman" (43). 10. Dawnrazor/Legend Design "Dark Blade" (39). 11. Landru/Amable "Big Bartels" (35). 12. Ghost/Realm "Twisted" (30). 13. Frogger "Frogger" (27). 14. Draoouf/Sanction "Encounter" (24). 4chmus 1. Shad/Infiny "Oedipe Children" (184). 2. Velvet/Amable "Glory Day" (178). 3. The Rew/Nostalgia "The Freaks Are Here" (145). 4. Charly/Subnormals "Perureggae" (137). Hawk & Amber/Neutron "Emphasy" (137). 6. Light Show/Eclipse "Side Effect" (97). 7. Phil/Euphoria "Electric Variations" (91). 8. Rhynn & Erekose/Zuul Design "Icarus Dreams Suit" (87). 9. Vince & Shocker/Kloon "Funk a metal" (65). 10. Dark/Metabolic "Happy Happy" (39). 11. Ghost/Realm "Silver Byte" (17). 12. Cyclone/Questor "Lovely Fantasy" (15). multich 1. Fr./N. Factor "Calliope" (179). 2. Shad/Infiny "Khorramchahr" (152). 3. The Rew/Nostalgia "In the Lands of Gods" (145). 4. S. Roger/Neutron "More Assumption" (90). 5. Sti/Euphoria "Allright" (73). Phil/Euphoria "Double Tendencies" (73). 7. Lord/N-Factor "Jazz & Jazz" (65). 8. Nyphton/Junction "Divine Incarnation" (64). 9. Vic/Acme "The Pharm" (55). 10. ??? "The Epic song on.." (50). 11. Humanoid of Prophecy/Morted Minds "Moon Flowers" (46). 12. Ravelord/Primus "Dreamworld" (39). 13. Blue Adonis/Traxx "Caesar's Victory" (36). 14. Alpha/Legend Design "Driver" (31). ??? "Harmonic Symphony" (31). 16 Interference/DSA "Whole Worlds" (27). 17. Isacrash/Codered "Spacewar" (23). 18. Stinger/Tone "Dreams" (9). 19. ??? "The Loose" (0). ansi 1. Trasher/Fuel "Glory" (190). 2. Drakula/Triloxy "Wired" (131). 3. Gismo/Triloxy "Cerise" (106). 4. The Knight/Fuel "Skull Crusler" (58). 5. Coffey/Bdp "No Name" (39). 6. Bernie/Bdp "Rotting Christ" (38). 7. Bisounours/Tinytons "Elf Maiden" (36). 8. Burps/Cow "Unsignes" (30). surprise coding competitions 1. Walken/Impact Studios - 48 bytes. Paranoia - 48 bytes. 2. K.L.F. - 51 bytes.