
From ExoticA
This page is an initial import from Scenery 2.99. Please add additional details and update the layout. For a layout example please take a look at the Horizon Page or for a more complicated page please take a look at the IRIS Page (But make sure you use the correct category as IRIS is an Amiga Group. Once the page is updated and you feel it constitutes a well laid out page please remove this notice.

Blazon (-1995)

Blazon was formed by Baracuda, who was also the main organizer. Other
members were Mutant (later V.O., which stood for Village Oldest) and Jak T
Rip (aka JTR, paperart). Blazon died in 1995, but was revived years later
for releasing some cracks of old games - with none of the original members
present in the memberlist... Their bestknown release is the game "Shopping
AG". Thanks to Jak T Rip for information.