
From ExoticA

Fourth Dimension #5 (1991, 30.01, ECS Multifile Diskmag)

Review by Glenn Lunder

For the first time, this issue of Fourth Dimension was a cooperation release, incorporating Razor 1911 into the team. Their contributions to the mag itself seems scarce, though, probably the best aspect of their contribution is the nice intro and a couple of articles by Sector9 and Ziphoid. What's more, the next issue promises to add another member to the team: Rebels.
So, what do I think of the mag itself? At half the amount of articles, this would be a good mag. As it is now, however, there are simply WAY too many 'humoristic' articles and cartoons, of no interest to anyone but the producers themselves.
tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.