Lost In Translation/Buck Rogers - Planet of Zoom

From ExoticA
Out Run (Arcade version)
Out Run (Sinclair ZX Spectrum version)

This page is a stub for arcade games that are part of the Lost In Translation series using information based on MAME (version 0.113u2).
For an example of preferred content and layout please refer to Out Run or The Ninja Warriors.

Buck Rogers
Planet of Zoom
No screen shot.
Buck Rogers control panel.
Manufacturer Sega
Released 1982
8-way Joystick
3 Button(s)
Main CPU (3x) Z80 (@ 4.992 MHz)
Z80 (@ 4.992 MHz)
Sound CPU Mono
Raster (Horizontal)
512 x 224 pixels
59.09 Hz
1,024 Palette colours
Screens 1
ROM Info 23 ROMs
191,040 bytes (186.56 KiB)
MAME ID buckrog · buckrogn · zoom909

About The Game

Buck Rogers - Planet of Zoom is a chase-view shoot-em-up.


Released in December 1982.

Also released as "Buck Rogers - Planet of Zoom [Upright model]"

This game is also known as "Zoom 909".

This games continue feature was unlimited, (which made the high score meaningless). That 'feature' made the game unpopular with the best players, (what's the point if you can just buy the top score ?).

Kelly Keenan holds the official record for this game with 1,016,495 points on April 12, 1984.


  1. Buck Rogers - Planet of Zoom [Cockpit model] (1982)
  2. Buck Rogers - Planet of Zoom [Upright model] (1982)
  3. Buck Rogers - Countdown To Doomsday (1990 - MS-DOS)
  4. Buck Rogers - Matrix Cubed (1992 - MS-DOS)


Security By
Masatoshi Mizunaga

Cabinet and Artwork


Atari 2600 (1983)
Atari 5200 (1983)
Colecovision (1983)
Atari XEGS
Sega SG-1000 (1985, "Zoom 909")
Mattel Aquarius (1982)
Atari 800 (1983)
Commodore VIC-20 (1983)
Commodore C64 (1983)
Texas Instruments TI-99/4A (1983)
PC [Booter] (1984)
PC [MS-DOS] (1984)
Amstrad CPC (1985, "3D Fight")
Sinclair ZX Spectrum (1985)
Apple II

Soundtrack Releases

Album Name Catalogue No. Released Publisher Comments
Legend of Game Music ~CONSUMER BOX~ SCDC-00497~506[1] 2006-03-24 Scitron Digital Contents 10 CD version.

External Links


The contents of this page are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
The sources used include MAME (version 0.113u2) and history.dat (revision 1.28 - 2008-10-18).
Please see http://www.arcade-history.com for credits.