Faith (old)
Faith [old] (FTH, 1993-1994)
- Mogue (sysop 'ENDLESS PAIN', doublememb Fire and Ice, 01/94)
- PMF and Gilby (ex DyTeC & ex MiNiSTRY) (sysops 'CHEZ AMIE')
- Flux and Radiosity (sysops 'CANADIAN MIST', 05/98)
- ???
- Triton (ger? 01/94)
Group History
Faith was an illegal cracking group formed by germans Gandalf and Oliver Stoned (previously in Paranoimia) in 1993. The two divided the group's activities up between them after a while; Oliver Stoned taking care of the pc section, while Gandalf was responsible for the amiga and consoles. Later Oliver Stoned joined TRSI with the entire Faith group, a situation that worked thus: They released the English or international versions of games through TRSI, and the german version under the Faith label.
- 1994
- After The Party 93 in december of last year, Gandalf changed his
handle to Ghandy and changed his focus from illegal activities to the demoscene. Faith died as a group in early 94 (probably) when they joined forces with Progress (old) to create the new group Scandal (new).
- Germans Xan and JMS (gfx) joined Vision (amiga) (old), but we are not certain exactly when this happened.