Fury of the Furries

From ExoticA
For the Amiga CD³² version of this game, see Fury of the Furries (CD³²).
Fury of the Furries
Fury of the Furries box scan

Scan is part of ExoticA's Games Gallery. Click thumbnail for full image.
Composer(s) Frédéric Motte
Team(s) Kalisto
Publisher(s) Mindscape
Music Format(s) Channel Players
Year published 1993

UnExoticA Music Files


Download archive Game/Motte_Frederic/Fury_o_t_Furries.lha
Also included are the original tunes direct from the composer.

Filename File Size Composer Game Year Team / Publisher
File List Indent v2.png chan.castle 31228 Frédéric Motte Fury of the Furries 1993 Mindscape / Kalisto
File List Indent v2.png chan.desert 36410 Frédéric Motte Fury of the Furries 1993 Mindscape / Kalisto
File List Indent v2.png chan.foret 40466 Frédéric Motte Fury of the Furries 1993 Mindscape / Kalisto
File List Indent v2.png chan.lagon 38412 Frédéric Motte Fury of the Furries 1993 Mindscape / Kalisto
File List Indent v2.png chan.montagne 36254 Frédéric Motte Fury of the Furries 1993 Mindscape / Kalisto
File List Indent v2.png chan.pyramide 39588 Frédéric Motte Fury of the Furries 1993 Mindscape / Kalisto
File List Indent v2.png chan.teckno 39466 Frédéric Motte Fury of the Furries 1993 Mindscape / Kalisto
File List Indent v2.png chan.usine 40298 Frédéric Motte Fury of the Furries 1993 Mindscape / Kalisto
File List Indent v2.png chan.village 38470 Frédéric Motte Fury of the Furries 1993 Mindscape / Kalisto
File List End v2.png Direct_from_Composer
File List Blank v2.pngFile List Indent v2.png mod.fury.castle 43638 Frédéric Motte Fury of the Furries 1993 Mindscape / Kalisto
File List Blank v2.pngFile List Indent v2.png mod.fury.desert 48170 Frédéric Motte Fury of the Furries 1993 Mindscape / Kalisto
File List Blank v2.pngFile List Indent v2.png mod.fury.end_tune 90528 Frédéric Motte Fury of the Furries 1993 Mindscape / Kalisto
File List Blank v2.pngFile List Indent v2.png mod.fury.forest 49186 Frédéric Motte Fury of the Furries 1993 Mindscape / Kalisto
File List Blank v2.pngFile List Indent v2.png mod.fury.intro2 122024 Frédéric Motte Fury of the Furries 1993 Mindscape / Kalisto
File List Blank v2.pngFile List Indent v2.png mod.fury.lagon 47112 Frédéric Motte Fury of the Furries 1993 Mindscape / Kalisto
File List Blank v2.pngFile List Indent v2.png mod.fury.metro 49028 Frédéric Motte Fury of the Furries 1993 Mindscape / Kalisto
File List Blank v2.pngFile List Indent v2.png mod.fury.mountains 46872 Frédéric Motte Fury of the Furries 1993 Mindscape / Kalisto
File List Blank v2.pngFile List Indent v2.png mod.fury.pyramid 48552 Frédéric Motte Fury of the Furries 1993 Mindscape / Kalisto
File List Blank v2.pngFile List Indent v2.png mod.fury.tekno 49962 Frédéric Motte Fury of the Furries 1993 Mindscape / Kalisto
File List Blank v2.pngFile List Indent v2.png mod.fury.village 49152 Frédéric Motte Fury of the Furries 1993 Mindscape / Kalisto
File List Blank v2.pngFile List End v2.png mod.t2.intro3 94718 Frédéric Motte Fury of the Furries 1993 Mindscape / Kalisto
Wednesday 02 March 2005 (XtC): Added to collection
Wednesday 14 September 2016 (XtC): Removed chan.fin & chan.intro as they're bit-perfect to chan.lagon.

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