King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow

From ExoticA
King's Quest VI
Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow
King's Quest VI box scan

Scan is part of ExoticA's Games Gallery. Click thumbnail for full image.
Composer(s) Dave Lowe
Team(s) Revolution Software
Publisher(s) Sierra
Music Format(s) Dave Lowe New
Year published 1994

UnExoticA Music Files


Download archive Game/Lowe_Dave/Kings_Quest_6.lha

Filename File Size Composer Game Year Team / Publisher
File List Indent v2.png dln.ingame_1 46764 Dave Lowe King's Quest VI 1994 Sierra / Revolution Software
File List Indent v2.png dln.ingame_2 48860 Dave Lowe King's Quest VI 1994 Sierra / Revolution Software
File List Indent v2.png dln.ingame_3 55950 Dave Lowe King's Quest VI 1994 Sierra / Revolution Software
File List Indent v2.png dln.ingame_4 48180 Dave Lowe King's Quest VI 1994 Sierra / Revolution Software
File List Indent v2.png dln.ingame_5 59452 Dave Lowe King's Quest VI 1994 Sierra / Revolution Software
File List Indent v2.png dln.ingame_6 46046 Dave Lowe King's Quest VI 1994 Sierra / Revolution Software
File List Indent v2.png dln.ingame_7 62112 Dave Lowe King's Quest VI 1994 Sierra / Revolution Software
File List Indent v2.png dln.ingame_8 56330 Dave Lowe King's Quest VI 1994 Sierra / Revolution Software
File List End v2.png dln.title 62428 Dave Lowe King's Quest VI 1994 Sierra / Revolution Software
Tuesday 18 December 2001 (XtC): Added to collection

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