Miracle (amiga)
From ExoticA
TUR> Bloody (11/93), Kris (code gfx edit 'Eternal', ex Movement, later Rebels, 11/93), Orion (swap edit 'Eternal', ex Movement, later Rebels, 11/93), Rascal (swap, ex Bronx, old handle Kickman). SWE> Porta (sysop 'EAGLES NEST', 09-10/90), Sauron (Johan Lindahl, code, early90). Boards; INNER CIRCLE (usa, 09/90), PLAQUE (usa, 09/90), PLEASURE CITY (swe, 09/90). Miracle was a demo and crackingr group based primarily in Turkey and Sweden. 1993 - Sauron's game "Deep Core" (featuring music by Danko/Phenomena) was released this year. Eternal #2 (1993, .11, ECS Trackloaded Diskmag). code/gfx: Kris, music: "Trip To Heaven" by WOTW/Essence. review: With the second issue of Eternal, Kris & Orion have certainly made a solid product IMHO. Everything looks top-notch, from the 'feel' of the mag to the excellent graphics. There is perhaps not enough clipart, but apart from that - no complaints. Contents look well organized, with about a 50-50 mix of interesting and not so interesting articles. The music is excellent, though a little on the short side for a diskmag tune. There are also a few interesting attempts at development here, for example in the animated backgrounds of the charts section, and the animated bullets used in some of the articles. The thing that makes these work here is that they're only used sparingly, and never defracts from the reading experience. There are a couple of mistakes in the news section (Dot never left Bronx, Skywalker joined Cryptoburners and not Crusaders, BARON R5/Desire should be Ramon B5...), and a few instances of news that are close to a year old, but then again what mag can claim not to have one or two of those? It is a little irritating though, since it makes it hard to trust these news... A very nice, if not groundbreaking mag. Approved. [glenn] GLE tested UAE /000-7 /2mb chip, 0mb fast/3.1.