
From ExoticA
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Mysterious (MSR)

N-L> Warpstah (org ascii trade sysop 'WARPZONE', 03/98).
???> Alien (code, 03/98), Amiking (mainorg irc-op, 03/98), Balth (trade,
     03/98), Bowe (trade, 03/98), Corrupt (founder mainorg sysop
     'MYSTERIOUS' WHQ, 03/98), Geronimo (ftp-op trade, 03/98), GregE
     (03/98), Gurumaster (03/98), JadeFalco (trade, 03/98), Lizard (code
     crack, 03/98), Lopolo (gfx, 03/98), Penthe (music, 03/98), Riker
     (03/98), Rogu (3dgfx music trade, 03/98), Shai Hulud (ascii trade,
     03/98), Snoopy (supply trade, 03/98), Viper (org code sysop 'OUTSIDE
     WORLD' EHQ, 03/98).