Paragon (old)

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Paragon [old]

NOR> Alex, Cooper (ex Byte Busters), Crocker, Cruizer (music), Dr.Floyd (ex
     Byte Busters), Dr.Voodoo (ex Byte Busters), Eaze, Echo (old handle
     Epa), Elwood (music), Jester (music), Khorne (gfx), Laban (Henrik
     Endresen, swap, 92), MC Metal (swap, 92), Mr.Zig-Zag, Nimrod (Steinar
     Knutsen, code ex-edit 'Free'n'Easy'), Obscure, Slimeball, Tom (music).
???> Faze (gfx).

Paragon was a Norwegian demo group.
  1992 - Norwegian Selwyn (ex Byte Busters) was kicked out, while Norwegian
musician and writer Mystra (ex Rubbers) joined Addicts in august.

Dr.Ami, MC Blaster and Maniac Man got kicked.
Norwegian musicians El Loco and Sundance Kid (old handle Marlin) joined
Norwegian coder Black Panther (ex Flash) joined Crusaders.

  Conjuring Tricks (1992, 15.04, ECS File).
  8th in The Gathering 92 demo competition.