Rage (group)/Reviews
Graedde? (1995, 17.06, 64k Intro)
Review by Glenn Lunder
Not-bad little intro is perhaps the first impression, but when you look at it more closely, it becomes painfully apparent that this one adds absolutely nothing new. The effects are all based on old - and in some cases antique - effects without making ANY improvements, and the only half-way innovation you'll find is a semi-cool caleidoscope at the very end. Other effects you'll find here are zoomrotators, sphere mapping, fire particles and actually a wireframe vector line routine! A few OK transitions is all that saves this from the dustbin.
Tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Rabies (1995, 28.12, AGA HD Multifile)
Review by Glenn Lunder
"Rabies" is a very good demo; perhaps the best demo the Amiga section of Rage ever made! It opens with a small animation sequence, which sets the perfect atmosphere for the rest of the demo. The demo itself contains fast, but small renditions of effects that were not all that common at the time; like phong shading. The design is good, with a red cyberpunk-y look and feel, spiced with some quotes along the same lines. The entire production looks pretty polished, and leaves you with a good feeling. Very nice.
Tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Rabies (1995, 28.12, AGA HD Multifile)
Review by Glenn Lunder
This is not a bad little intro! It starts with some dots forming a Rage logo, from the bottom of the screen...almost like the routine in the ancient The Silents & Crionics classic "Hardwired" [12/91], though that routine was heaps better. Next we're given a plasma zoom tunnel thingie that's pretty cool, before we're shown a fractal zoom in 2x2 resolution. Next there's a rather cool fire object routine in 2x2, where five or six small objects on fire fly around the screen...and that's it. An end screen with some email adresses and the homepage address, and we're outta there.
No actual credits appear in the demo, just the e-mail addresses of four of the participants, and they're not very revealing.
Tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.