UnExoticA/Games By Composer/R

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All Composers Beginning With "R"
Composer Titles
Rankenberg, Jim The North Sea Inferno, The Persian Gulf Inferno, Tom & Jerry, more...
Ravn, Simon Foundation
Rebas, Martin Pengo
Reed, Larry Marble Madness
Reeve, Nick Xenomorph
Regis, Oliver Ilyad
Reinke, Carsten Slabs
Renqvist, Nicklas Super Stardust (CD³²)
René, Gazzoldi Blue Boy
Rettig, Tom Where in Europe is Carmen Sandiego?, Where in the U.S.A. is Carmen Sandiego?
Riley, Mark A-10 Tank Killer
Roberts, Paul C. Giddy II: Hero in an egg shell
Robin, Olivier B.A.T. II
Robotham, Paul Ashes of Empire, Dawn Patrol, MegaTraveller 2 - Quest for the Ancients, more...
Rodger, Andrew Arnie 2
Rogers, J Dave Exolon
Room237 Desert Apache
Rosenschein, Fabian Pink Panther
Rotondo, Gianluca Lupo Alberto
Roudet, J Pinball Magic
Rourke, Jeff Crystal Dragon
Rugolo, Silvio Fightin' Spirit (CD³²)
Ruttmann, Haiko Battle Isle, Great Courts, Great Courts 2, more...
Ruzicka, Nils Marvin's Marvellous Adventure (CD³²)

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